Software artifacts and documentation for cyber-physical systems projects.
projects contains folders with files specific to each project. There are currently two projects included:
Quadruped robot. The folder for this project contains:
- Assembly instructions.
- Bill of materials.
- Source code to control the robot
Prototype of a Ship-To-Shore Crane. This work is in progress, and neither the software nor the documentation is thus completed.
Humanoid robot. The folder for this project contains:
- Instructions for setting up a demo
- Source code to control the robot
lib contains library code for motors and sensors used by the projects. In specific, library code for these motors and sensors are included:
- Accelerometer/gyroscope (mpu6050)
- Raspberry PI Camera
- Distance sensor (US-100)
- Dynamixel motors
CAD-files for the different projects can be found in the cps-cad-repository.