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A comprehensive list of Git commands

Configure tooling

Command Description
git config --global "[name]" Sets the name you want attached to your commit transactions
git config --global "[email.address]" Sets the email you want attached to your commit transactions

Creating Repositories

Command Description
git init Initialize a local Git repository
git clone url Create a local copy of a remote repository

Make changes

Command Description
git status Check status
git add [file-name.txt] Add a file to the staging area
git add -all Add all new and changed files to the staging area
git commit -m "[commit message]" Commit changes
git reset [file] Unstages the file, but preserves its contents
git diff Show file differences not yet staged
git diff --staged Shows file differences between staging and last file version

Group changes

Command Description
git branch Lists all local branches in the current repository
git branch [branch-name] Creates a new branch
git checkout [branch-name] Switches to the specified branch and updates the working directory
git merge [branch] Combines the specified branch's history into the current branch
git branch -d [branch-name] Deletes the specified branch

Refactor filenames

Command Description
git rm [file] Deletes the file from the working directory and stages the deletion
`git rm --cached [file] Removes the file from version control but preserves the file locally
git mv [file-original] [file-renamed] Changes the file name and prepares it for commit

Branching & Merging

Command Description
git branch List branches (the asterisk denotes the current branch)
git branch -a List all branches (local and remote)
git branch [branch name] Create a new branch
git branch -d [branch name] Delete a branch
git push origin --delete [branchName] Delete a remote branch
git checkout -b [branch name] Create a new branch and switch to it
git checkout -b [branch name] origin/[branch name] Clone a remote branch and switch to it
git checkout [branch name] Switch to a branch
git checkout - Switch to the branch last checked out
git checkout -- [file-name.txt] Discard changes to a file
git merge [branch name] Merge a branch into the active branch
git merge [source branch] [target branch] Merge a branch into a target branch
git stash Stash changes in a dirty working directory
git stash clear Remove all stashed entries

Sharing & Updating Projects

Command Description
git push origin [branch name] Push a branch to your remote repository
git push -u origin [branch name] Push changes to remote repository (and remember the branch)
git push Push changes to remote repository (remembered branch)
git push origin --delete [branch name] Delete a remote branch
git pull Update local repository to the newest commit
git pull origin [branch name] Pull changes from remote repository
git remote add origin ssh://[email protected]/[username]/[repository-name].git Add a remote repository
git remote set-url origin ssh://[email protected]/[username]/[repository-name].git Set a repository's origin branch to SSH

Inspection & Comparison

Command Description
git log View changes
git log --summary View changes (detailed)
git diff [source branch] [target branch} Preview changes before merging

Review history

Command Description
git log View changes
git log --follow [file] Lists version history for a file, including renames
git diff [first-branch]..[second-branch] Shows content differences between two branches
git show [commit] Outputs metadata and content changes of the specified commit

Save fragments

Command Description
git stash Temporarily stores all modified tracked files
git stash pop Restores the most recently stashed files
git stash list Lists all stashed changesets
git stash drop Discards the most recently stashed changeset

Redo commits

Command Description
git reset [commit-id] Undoes all commits after [commit], preserving changes locally
git reset --hard [commit-id] Discards all history and changes back to the specified commit


A comprehensive list of Git commands






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