Contains two applications for managing ports (that have been defined via a JSON file):
- A service which exposes a gRPC interface for persisting and listing ports
- An ingestor which will parse a given JSON file, extract the port information, and call the service to persist the data
(and associated plugins for generating code)docker
The applications can be started via Docker using:
docker compose up
The gRPC interface will be exposed locally on port 9000
and can be invoked with, for example, grpcui:
grpcui -plaintext localhost:9000
The code can be built, linted, and tested using the provided Makefile
make lint
make test
make build
The applications get then be started with:
export GRPC_SERVER_ADDRESS="localhost:9000"
export INGEST_FILEPATH="<path-to-json-file>"
- [] Move protobuf code generation into Docker (and remove generated files from source control)