A collection of dotfiles and scripts for bootstrapping a MacOS development environment including the following tooling:
- oh-my-zsh - zsh config manager
- powerlevel10k - zsh theme
- asdf - version manager
- VSCode - IDE
- Sourcetree - Git GUI
- Rectangle - Window manager
- OpenLens - Kubernetes GUI
- Check
is installed/working- XCode command line tools might need installing
- Setup an SSH key for
- Install
- See https://brew.sh/
- Install iTerm2
brew install --cask iterm2
- Open iTerm2
- Clone this repo and
into the repo root - Run
- Restart terminal
- Run
p10k configure
and installMeslo Nerd Font
- Quit terminal when prompted
- Open VSCode:
- Enable launching from the command line (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/mac#_launching-from-the-command-line)
- Sign in and enable settings sync.