This project is no longer maintained.
Haskell on Heroku is a Heroku buildpack for deploying Haskell apps.
The buildpack uses Halcyon to install apps and development tools, including GHC and Cabal.
Follow the Haskell on Heroku tutorial to get started.
Haskell on Heroku, like other Heroku buildpacks, can be used when creating a new Heroku app:
$ heroku create -b
Push the code to Heroku in order to deploy your app:
$ git push heroku master
Start with the Haskell on Heroku tutorial to learn how to develop a simple Haskell web app and deploy it to Heroku.
Read the Halcyon tutorial to learn more about developing Haskell apps using Halcyon.
See the Haskell on Heroku reference for a list of buildpack-specific options.
Look for additional options in the Halcyon reference.
Haskell on Heroku is written in GNU bash, using the bashmenot library.
- Read the Haskell on Heroku source code to understand how it works.
Made by Miëtek Bak. Published under the BSD license. Not affiliated with Heroku.