RoosterJs 8.46.0 and RoosterJs Contenet Model 0.5.0
Bug fix
Fix #1713 : Copy paste bullet list item doesn't work, copies just empty span instead of content inside. (#1718 )
Fix Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (#1725 )
Fix TableCellSelection bug (#1744 )
Fix paste table from Excel loses table issue (#1749 )
Make additionalTagReplacements allow null value type. (#1745 )
Don't return focus to editor when blur on image (#1742 )
Content Model
toggleBlockQuote API accept ContentModelBlockFormat and ContentModelSegmentFormat (#1720 )
insertLink API triggers ContentChangedEvent with source "CreateLink" (#1703 )
Allow Content Model API to remove image border (#1733 )
Fix #1684 : respect direction style from parent container when process list (#1730 )
Fix #1664 : Contente Model editing plugin work together with original plugins (#1728 , #1740 )
Content Model fidelity improvement (#1731 , #1732 , #1751 , #1753 )
Improve DefaultFormat behavior (#1743 )
Copy/Paste with Content Model (#1716 , #1758 )
Engineering improvement
Interface changes
New Core API createFragmentFromClipboardData: Create a DocumentFragment for paste from a ClipboardData
New utility API getPasteSource: This function tries to get the source of the Pasted content
New ExperimentalFeatures:
DefaultFormatOnContainer: Apply default format on editor container
ContentModelPaste: Paste with Content model
New enum type KnownPasteSourceType: Represent the types of sources to handle in the Paste Plugin
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