Requires substantial background information and effort to accomplish
Requires minimal background information and effort to accomplish
Requires intermediate background information and effort to accomplish
Requires integration attention
Does not have a functional impact
Pull requests that update Python code
Pull requests that should increment the release major version
Pull requests that should increment the release minor version
Pull requests that should increment the release patch version
This issue or pull request already exists
Extra attention (collaborator) is needed
Needs more information from a maintainer to determine next steps
Needs an issue owner to be assigned
Needs more information from the submitter to determine next steps
Needs to triaged to determine next steps
Has not been updated in a long time
This will not be worked on
Backport changes in a dev branch PR to its release branch.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
A new proposal or modification to a feature design
Improvements or additions to documentation
New feature or pull request