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Get SdnDiagnosticLogFile
Collect the default enabled logs from SdnDiagnostics folder.
Get-SdnDiagnosticLogFile [-LogDir] <String[]> [-OutputDirectory] <DirectoryInfo> [[-FromDate] <DateTime>]
[[-ToDate] <DateTime>] [[-ConvertETW] <Boolean>] [[-CleanUpFiles] <Boolean>] [[-FolderNameFilter] <String[]>]
{{ Fill in the Description }}
Get-SdnDiagnosticLogFile -LogDir "C:\Windows\Tracing\SdnDiagnostics" -OutputDirectory "C:\Temp\CSS_SDN"
Get-SdnDiagnosticLogFile -LogDir "C:\Windows\Tracing\SdnDiagnostics" -FromDate (Get-Date).AddHours(-1)
Get-SdnDiagnosticLogFile -LogDir "C:\Windows\Tracing\SdnDiagnostics" -FromDate '2023-08-11 10:00:00 AM' -ToDate '2023-08-11 11:30:00 AM'
{{ Fill LogDir Description }}
Type: String[]
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Specifies a specific path and folder in which to save the files.
Type: DirectoryInfo
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: True
Position: 2
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Determines the start time of what logs to collect. If omitted, defaults to the last 4 hours.
Type: DateTime
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 3
Default value: (Get-Date).AddHours(-4)
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Determines the end time of what logs to collect. Optional parameter that if ommitted, defaults to current time.
Type: DateTime
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 4
Default value: (Get-Date)
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Optional parameter that allows you to specify if .etl trace should be converted. By default, set to $true
Type: Boolean
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 5
Default value: True
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
{{ Fill CleanUpFiles Description }}
Type: Boolean
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 6
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
{{ Fill FolderNameFilter Description }}
Type: String[]
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: 7
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
- Clear-SdnWorkingDirectory
- Convert-SdnEtwTraceToTxt
- Copy-SdnFileFromComputer
- Copy-SdnFileToComputer
- Debug-SdnFabricInfrastructure
- Disable-SdnRasGatewayTracing
- Enable-SdnRasGatewayTracing
- Enable-SdnVipTrace
- Get-SdnApiEndpoint
- Get-SdnAuditLog
- Get-SdnCertificate
- Get-SdnConfigState
- Get-SdnDiagnosticLogFile
- Get-SdnEventLog
- Get-SdnFabricInfrastructureResult
- Get-SdnGateway
- Get-SdnInfrastructureInfo
- Get-SdnInternalLoadBalancer
- Get-SdnLoadBalancerMux
- Get-SdnModuleConfiguration
- Get-SdnMuxCertificate
- Get-SdnMuxDistributedRouterIP
- Get-SdnMuxState
- Get-SdnMuxStatefulVip
- Get-SdnMuxStatelessVip
- Get-SdnMuxStats
- Get-SdnMuxVip
- Get-SdnMuxVipConfig
- Get-SdnNetAdapterEncapOverheadConfig
- Get-SdnNetAdapterRdmaConfig
- Get-SdnNetworkController
- Get-SdnNetworkControllerClusterInfo
- Get-SdnNetworkControllerNode
- Get-SdnNetworkControllerNodeCertificate
- Get-SdnNetworkControllerRestCertificate
- Get-SdnNetworkControllerState
- Get-SdnNetworkInterfaceOutboundPublicIPAddress
- Get-SdnOvsdbAddressMapping
- Get-SdnOvsdbFirewallRule
- Get-SdnOvsdbGlobalTable
- Get-SdnOvsdbPhysicalPort
- Get-SdnOvsdbRouterTable
- Get-SdnOvsdbUcastMacRemoteTable
- Get-SdnProviderAddress
- Get-SdnPublicIPPoolUsageSummary
- Get-SdnResource
- Get-SdnServer
- Get-SdnServerCertificate
- Get-SdnServiceFabricApplicationHealth
- Get-SdnServiceFabricClusterConfig
- Get-SdnServiceFabricClusterHealth
- Get-SdnServiceFabricClusterManifest
- Get-SdnServiceFabricNode
- Get-SdnServiceFabricPartition
- Get-SdnServiceFabricReplica
- Get-SdnServiceFabricService
- Get-SdnSlbStateInformation
- Get-SdnVfpPortGroup
- Get-SdnVfpPortLayer
- Get-SdnVfpPortRule
- Get-SdnVfpPortState
- Get-SdnVfpVmSwitchPort
- Get-SdnVipConfig
- Get-SdnVMNetworkAdapter
- Get-SdnVMNetworkAdapterPortProfile
- Import-SdnCertificate
- Install-SdnDiagnostics
- Invoke-SdnCommand
- Invoke-SdnGetNetView
- Invoke-SdnResourceDump
- Invoke-SdnServiceFabricCommand
- Move-SdnServiceFabricReplica
- New-SdnCertificate
- New-SdnCertificateRotationConfig
- New-SdnExpressBGPHost
- New-SdnMuxCertificate
- New-SdnNetworkControllerNodeCertificate
- New-SdnNetworkControllerRestCertificate
- New-SdnServerCertificate
- Remove-SdnExpressBGPHost
- Repair-SdnDiagnosticsScheduledTask
- Set-SdnCertificateAcl
- Set-SdnNetworkController
- Set-SdnServiceFabricClusterConfig
- Set-SdnVMNetworkAdapterPortProfile
- Show-SdnVfpPortConfig
- Show-SdnVipState
- Start-SdnCertificateRotation
- Start-SdnDataCollection
- Start-SdnEtwTraceCapture
- Start-SdnMuxCertificateRotation
- Start-SdnNetshTrace
- Start-SdnServerCertificateRotation
- Stop-SdnEtwTraceCapture
- Stop-SdnNetshTrace
- Test-SdnCertificateRotationConfig
- Test-SdnExpressBGP
- Test-SdnProviderAddressConnectivity