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DirectXTK | Audio |
SoundEffect is a container class for wave sample data. This data can then be played back as a one-shot sound or via a SoundEffectInstance.
objects always owns the audio data. It must be kept 'alive' until all playing sound using it have been stopped.
Related tutorial: Creating and playing sounds
#include <Audio.h>
The SoundEffect class can be created with two main forms of constructor. The first loads from a .wav
file on disk.
std::unique_ptr<SoundEffect> effect;
effect = std::make_unique<SoundEffect>( audEngine.get(), L"sound.wav" );
For exception safety, it is recommended you make use of the C++ C++ RAII pattern and use a std::unique_ptr
or std::shared_ptr
The second takes ownership of a memory buffer containing the wave data. The wfx and startAudio pointers are assumed to point into the same memory buffer owned by wavData since they must remain valid for the life of the SoundEffect object.
size_t audioSize = 44100 * 2;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> wavData( new uint8_t[
audioSize + sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) ] );
auto startAudio = wavData.get() + sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX);
GenerateSineWave( reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>( startAudio ), 44100, 440 );
auto wfx = reinterpret_cast<WAVEFORMATEX*>( wavData.get() );
wfx->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
wfx->nChannels = 1;
wfx->nSamplesPerSec = 44100;
wfx->nAvgBytesPerSec = 2 * 44100;
wfx->nBlockAlign = 2;
wfx->wBitsPerSample = 16;
wfx->cbSize = 0;
effect = std::make_unique<SoundEffect>( audEngine.get(),
wavData, wfx, startAudio, audioSize );
This example uses a simple helper routine which fills a buffer with 1 second of a pure sine wave at a given frequency:
void GenerateSineWave( _Out_writes_(sampleRate) int16_t* data,
int sampleRate, int frequency )
const double timeStep = 1.0 / double(sampleRate);
const double freq = double(frequency);
int16_t* ptr = data;
double time = 0.0;
for( int j = 0; j < sampleRate; ++j, ++ptr )
double angle = ( 2.0 * XM_PI * freq ) * time;
double factor = 0.5 * ( sin(angle) + 1.0 );
*ptr = int16_t( 32768 * factor );
time += timeStep;
To play the sound effect as a 'fire and forget' sound:
To play the sound effect as a 'fire and forget' sound with volume, a pitch-shift, and/or pan setting:
soundEffect->Play( volume, pitch, pan );
- volume default is 1
- pitch ranges from -1 to +1, playback defaults to 0 (which is no pitch-shifting)
- pan -1 is fully left, +1 is fully right, and 0 is balanced.
To play the sound with full control, looping, and dynamic pitch-shifting/volume control/pan settings:
auto effect = soundEffect->CreateInstance();
To play the sound with positional 3D audio:
auto effect = soundEffect->CreateInstance(
SoundEffectInstance_Use3D | SoundEffectInstance_ReverbUseFilters);
See SoundEffectInstance.
IsInUse: Returns true if the SoundEffect is currently playing as a one-shot or there are SoundEffectInstances referencing it.
GetSampleSizeInBytes: Returns the size of the wave data in bytes.
GetSampleDuration: Returns the wave data duration in samples. This does not include any loops.
GetSampleDurationMS: Returns the wave data duration in milliseconds. This does not include any loops.
GetFormat: Returns
structure that describes the wave data format. See Wave Formats.
At least 64 bytes is recommended as this is large enough to contain
char formatBuff[ 64 ] = {};
auto wfx = reinterpret_cast<WAVEFORMATEX*>( formatBuff );
effect->GetFormat( wfx, 64 );
FillSubmitBuffer is used internally, but can also be used when implementing your own XAudio2 source voices using the low-level interface access. Note that LoopCount is set to 0 by this function and should be set to a non-zero value by the caller. If looping is not desired, be sure to set LoopBegin and LoopLength to zero as well.
Care needs to be taken to ensure that any referenced SoundEffect is not deleted while a source voice is actively playing back content from it or has pending buffers referencing it.
XAudio 2.9 on Windows 10 supports PCM, ADPCM, and xWMA.
XAudio 2.8 on Windows 8.x and Windows phone support PCM and ADPCM formats.
XAudio 2.7 on Windows 7 or later via the legacy DirectX End-User Runtime Redistribution (aka DirectSetup) supports PCM, ADPCM, and xWMA.
XAudio on Xbox One supports PCM, ADPCM, and xWMA. Xbox One exclusive app developers can also make use of XMA2.
To compress to ADPCM (a variant of MS-ADPCM) .wav
files, use adpcmencode.exe
from the Windows SDK, Xbox One XDK, or legacy DirectX SDK.
To compress to xWMA .wav
files, use xwmaencode.exe
from the Xbox One XDK or legacy DirectX SDK.
To compress to XMA2 .wav
files, use xma2encode.exe
from the Xbox One XDK.
To aid in debugging, here is a simple console program for dumping out the content of a .wav
in a human-readable form.
All content and source code for this package are subject to the terms of the MIT License.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.
- Universal Windows Platform apps
- Windows desktop apps
- Windows 11
- Windows 10
- Windows 8.1
- Xbox One
- x86
- x64
- ARM64
- Visual Studio 2022
- Visual Studio 2019 (16.11)
- clang/LLVM v12 - v18
- MinGW 12.2, 13.2
- CMake 3.20