Based on
This project provides automatic Automatic Factory functionality similar to Castle.Windsor Typed Factories, for the default IoC container in ASP.NET Core (ServiceCollection)
IServiceCollection container = new ServiceCollection();
container.AddTransient<ITestDependency, TestDependency>();
var svcProvider = container.BuildServiceProvider();
ITestService testSvc = svcProvider.GetRequiredService<ITestServiceFactory>().Create("ParamValue");
public class TestService : ITestService
public TestService(ITestDependency dep, string factoryParam1)
this.InjectedDepedency = dep;
this.FacotoryParam = factoryParam1;
public interface ITestServiceFactory
ITestService Create(string factoryParam1);
Sometimes you want to have a single factory which can create multiple concrete types. Usually the concrete classes are different implementations of the same interface.
.Flavor<ITestServiceFlavor1, TestServiceFlavor1>()
.Flavor<ITestServiceFlavor2, TestServiceFlavor2>()
public interface ITestServiceFlavor1 : ITestService { }
public class TestServiceFlavor1 : ITestServiceFlavor1
public TestServiceFlavor1(ITestDependency dep, string factoryParam1)
public interface ITestServiceFlavor2 : ITestService { }
public class TestServiceFlavor2 : ITestServiceFlavor2
public TestServiceFlavor2(ITestDependency dep, string factoryParam1)
public interface ITestServiceFactory
ITestServiceFlavor1 CreateFlavor1(string factoryParam1);
ITestServiceFlavor2 CreateFlavor2(string factoryParam1);
The concrete type must have exactly one public constructor. The factory parameters must match the constructor parameters by name and type.
The library will validate all factory methods when the factory instance is constructed. An exception will be thrown if:
- The factory method has parameters that don't match the constructor parameters
- The constructor expects parameters that aren't provided by the factory method and can't be resolved by the container
This is done during factory construction in order to fail fast if something is wrong, instead of failing when the bad code is executed.
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