This document describes the setup requirements for running the Sensorless BLDC Motor Control Algorithm, which is referenced in AN1160 “Sensorless BLDC Control with Back-EMF Filtering Using a Majority Function” using a dsPICDEM™ MCLV-2 Development Board in the External Op Amp configuration. The demonstration is configured to run on the dsPICDEM™ MCLV-2 Development Board (DM330021-2) in External Op-amp configuration with the dsPIC33CK256MP508 External Op-Amp Motor Control Plug-In Module (PIM) (MA330041-1).
- MPLAB® X IDE v5.50
- MPLAB® XC16 Compiler v1.41
- MPLAB® X IDE Plugin: X2C-Scope v1.3.0 or later
- dsPICDEM™ MCLV-2 Development Board (DM330021-2)
- 24V Power Supply (AC002013)
- 24V 3-Phase Brushless DC Motor (AC300020)
- dsPIC33CK256MP508 External Op-Amp Motor Control Plug-in module (MA330041-1)
Refer to AN1160_Readme document included in this project inside the docs folder.