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NMDC Field Notes

NMDC Field Notes is a mobile app researchers can use to collect metadata in the field.

The app is currently in development.


Install dependencies

Node.js and npm

Install Node.js v20, which includes npm.

Once you've done that, you'll be able to run Node.js via $ node and npm via $ npm.

Ionic CLI

Install the Ionic CLI globally.

npm install -g @ionic/cli

The -g option tells npm you want it to install that package globally, which the Ionic CLI's authors recommend. Once you've done that, you'll be able to run the Ionic CLI via $ ionic.

npm packages

Install the npm packages upon which this project depends.

npm install

That tells npm you want it to install all the packages listed in the package-lock.json file, which was programmatically generated from the manually-maintained package.json file.

Set up Capacitor environment

Capacitor is a library that gives the web application access to the device's native functionality (e.g. location, camera, and storage). Review the Capacitor environment setup documentation and make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed.

Setup local environment

The application loads values from environment variables defined in a .env.local file.

That file is intentionally not stored in the Git repository. That file is loaded automatically by Vite, which exposes the environment variables via the import.meta.env object. The application's config.ts file then uses that object to make a config object—and the rest of the application uses that config object instead of directly accessing the import.meta.env object.

You can copy the .env.local.example file to .env.local to get started.

cp .env.local.example .env.local

Start development server

Run the dev script defined in package.json.

npm run dev

That will start a development server, serving the web version of the mobile app.

The development server is powered by Vite.

Using a local nmdc-server

If you want your local Field Notes instance to work with a local nmdc-server instance, there are a few environment variables to set on the server side.

The NMDC_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS variable controls which origins are allowed to make CORS requests to the server. It is a comma-separated list of origins. Add to allow requests from the web-based interface. Add capacitor://localhost and https://localhost to allow requests from device simulators. So for example, in the nmdc-server .env file:


The NMDC_LOGIN_REDIRECT_ALLOW_ORIGINS variable controls which origins are allowed to redirect to after login. It is a comma-separated list of origins. Add to allow redirects to the web-based interface. Add org.microbiomedata.fieldnotes:// to allow redirects to mobile apps. So for example, in the nmdc-server .env file:


Using the dev nmdc-server

Alternatively, you can have your local Field Notes instance talk to the dev nmdc-server instance. In that case, you can set the NMDC_SERVER_URL environment variable in your .env.local file to

Visit development server

We recommend you use your web browser's developer tools to decrease the size of your web browser's viewport so that it resembles the screen of a mobile device, then visit the development server.

You can visit the development server at:

Switching styles between iOS and Android

By default, Ionic will use the web browser's user agent to determine whether to style the web app like an iOS app or an Android app. For most web browser user agents, it will style it like an Android app. You can force a particular style by adding the ionic:mode query parameter to the URL, as shown below.

Force iOS style
Force Android style

The md stands for Material Design.

Hiding the ReactQueryDevtools icon

When running the app in development mode, a colorful icon will be visible in the lower right corner of the screen. Clicking on that icon will reveal a devtools panel specific to the React Query/TanStack Query library the app was built with.

In case you want to temporarily hide that icon from the UI (e.g. when taking screenshots for release notes), you can do so by either:

  • Temporarily commenting out the <ReactQueryDevtools initialIsOpen={false} /> element (in src/QueryClientProvider.tsx); or
  • Temporarily running the app in production mode:
    NODE_ENV=production npm run dev

Run linter

Run the linter.

npm run lint

That tells npm you want it to run the script named lint, defined in the package.json file. At the time of this writing, that script runs eslint src.

Run circular import check

Identify circular imports using the madge package.

npm run check.imports

Run automated tests

Unit tests

Run the unit tests.

npm run test.unit

That tells npm you want it to run the script named test.unit, defined in the package.json file. At the time of this writing, that script runs vitest.

End-to-end tests

Assuming the development server is running, you can run the end-to-end tests with:

npm run test.e2e

That tells npm you want it to run the script named test.e2e, defined in the package.json file. At the time of this writing, that script runs cypress run.

(Optional) Run iOS simulator

Assuming you're using a Mac, here's how you can simulate the iOS version of the mobile app.

Download and install Xcode (if you haven't already).

If either (a) this is your first time running the simulator, or (b) you have added a Capacitor plugin since the last time you ran the simulator; run:

ionic capacitor sync ios

Start the simulator with live reloading enabled:

npm run dev.ios

The simulator may take a few minutes to start. Eventually, the console will say "Deploying to <uuid>" and the simulator will appear.

(Optional) Run Android simulator

If you haven't already, download and install Android Studio and an Android SDK following the instructions in the Capacitor documentation.

If either (a) this is your first time running the simulator, or (b) you have added a Capacitor plugin since the last time you ran the simulator; run:

ionic capacitor sync android

Start the simulator with live reloading enabled:

npm run

Once the simulator is running and the app opens, you may see a message saying "The webpage at could not be loaded because net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED". In that case run the following while the simulator is running and then relaunch the app within the simulator:

adb reverse tcp:8100 tcp:8100

If you are using a local nmdc-server instance, you must forward the port to the Android simulator. Assuming your local nmdc-server is running on port 8000 (the default), run the following after the simulator has started:

adb reverse tcp:8000 tcp:8000

Format code

We use Prettier to ensure the files in this repository are formatted the way we want.

You can use it like this:

# Check whether any files are not formatted.
npm run check.format

# Format all files.
npm run format

The .prettierignore file tells Prettier which files we want it to ignore (i.e. to not format).

The .prettierignore file automatically inherits from the .gitignore file.

The prettier.config.js file can be used to override Prettier's default configuration.

Also, the presence of the file signifies to code editors that this project uses Prettier; which may influence some features of the editor.

Preview UI components

We use Storybook to preview UI components in isolation.

Storybook is an interactive directory of your UI components and their stories. In the past, you'd have to spin up the app, navigate to a page, and contort the UI into the right state. (...) With Storybook, you can skip all those steps and jump straight to working on a UI component in a specific state.

Source: Why Storybook?

You can start the Storybook web server by running:

npm run storybook

Once the Storybook web server is running, you will be able to access it at:

Add an environment variable

Here's how you can introduce a new environment variable to the code base:

  1. Add its TypeScript type information to the ImportMetaEnv interface in src/vite-env.d.ts
  2. Add its name and an example value to .env.local.example
  3. Add the variable to the Config interface and the config object in config.ts
  4. Elsewhere in the code base, access the variable via the config object exported by config.ts (instead of accessing import.meta.env.{NAME} directly)

Debugging Firebase Analytics


This project uses Firebase to collect analytics data. There are two separate Firebase projects: one for development and one for production. This is important so that analytics data generated by local development does not contribute to our actual metrics. If you need to access the Firebase console for either project, ask a team member to give you access.

Each Firebase project has its own native configuration files. Switching between the two projects is controlled by the NODE_ENV environment variable (see the iOS scheme/Android flavor settings in capacitor.config.ts). When the NODE_ENV is set to production, the app will use the production Firebase configuration files (android/app/src/prod/google-services.json and ios/App/prod/GoogleService-Info.plist). Otherwise, the app will use the development Firebase configuration files (android/app/src/dev/google-services.json and ios/App/dev/GoogleService-Info.plist).

For more information on setting up multiple environments in Capacitor, see the Capacitor documentation. For Firebase-specific information, see the Firebase documentation.

Enabling local analytics

By default, local development instances will not send analytics data to Firebase. This is controlled by the VITE_ENABLE_FIREBASE_ANALYTICS environment variable. You can enable local analytics by adding the following line to your .env.local file:


Only add this line if you are actively developing code that sends analytics events, and be sure to remove it when you are done.

Debugging analytics events

It is recommended that you use a native device simulator to debug analytics events. This is because the native Firebase SDKs generate events which cannot be generated by the web SDK. For example to use an iOS simulator, run:

npm run dev.ios

The app's XCode project is already configured to use Firebase's DebugView via the -FIRDebugEnabled flag. Once your device simulator is running, navigate to the DebugView page in the Firebase console for the "NMDC Field Notes DEV" project. You should see events being logged in real-time.

Sometimes, it seems to take a few minutes and/or a page reload for the first events to appear.

If you use an Android simulator:

npm run

There is one extra step required to enable DebugView. Once the simulator is running, run the following command:

adb shell setprop

That must be run each time the Android simulator is started.

Make a release

Creating a release involves three steps:

  • Increment the build number and optionally update the version number
  • Create and distribute a new Android build
  • Create and distribute a new iOS build

Incrementing build and version numbers

Decide: Are you releasing a new build or a new version?

How do I choose?
  • A build release is a new testing release of the app. It may be thought of as a release candidate. It implies a new buildNumber in package.json. This corresponds to a new "build number" in iOS terms or "versionCode" in Android terms. New builds (of already-released versions) do not go through Apple's approval process when released to TestFlight.
  • A version release is a new general release of the app. It implies a new version number in package.json and new buildNumber. The commit where these numbers are updated is also tagged. The new version corresponds to a new "version number" in iOS terms or "versionName" in Android terms. There will typically be several build releases before a version release.
  1. Ensure you are on the main branch and have the latest changes.
    git checkout main && git pull
  2. Update build and (optionally) version numbers.
    1. If this is a build release, run the following commands to increment the build number.
      npm run release -- build
      git push
    2. If this is a version release, decide whether the new version will be a patch, minor, or major version. Then, run the following commands to create a new version commit and tag. NOTE: During the beta testing period, use only minor or patch versions.
      npm run release -- patch  # (or "minor" or "major")
      git push --follow-tags
  3. If this is a version release, check GitHub Actions to ensure that pushing the version tag triggered the workflow that creates a new GitHub Release. Ensure that the workflow completed successfully.

Create and Distribute a new Android Build

If this is your first time creating an Android build, follow these one-time keystore setup instructions before proceeding to the build/distribute instructions below.

Show/hide one-time keystore setup instructions
  1. Obtain two passwords from other developers: the keystore decryption password and the keystore password. Save these securely in a password manager.
  2. Download the encrypted keystore file from NERSC.
    scp <user> .
  3. Decrypt the keystore file into the android directory. Enter the keystore decryption password when prompted.
    openssl enc -d -aes256 -pbkdf2 -in ./org.microbiomedata.fieldnotes.keystore.tar.gz.enc | tar xz -C ./android
  4. Remove the encrypted keystore file.
    rm org.microbiomedata.fieldnotes.keystore.tar.gz.enc
Create and Distribute an Android Build via GitHub
  1. Build the Android APK file.
    1. Open the Android project in Android Studio.
      ionic capacitor open android
    2. In the toolbar, click Build > Generate Signed App Bundle / APK...
    3. Select "APK" and click "Next"
    4. Enter the following information and click "Next"
      • Key store path: <project root>/android/org.microbiomedata.fieldnotes.keystore
      • Key store password: <keystore password>
      • Key alias: nmdc field notes
      • Key password: <keystore password>
    5. Select the "release" build variant and click "Create"
    6. Wait for the gradle build to complete. Look for notification saying "Build completed successfully for module '' with 1 build variant."
  2. Distribute the APK file via the GitHub Release.
    1. Make a copy of the APK file with the version and build numbers in the filename.
      # Run this from the root directory of the repository:
      npm run rename.apk
    2. Edit the vX.Y.Z GitHub Release and attach the org.microbiomedata.fieldnotes-vX.Y.Z-build.N.apk file to it. NOTE: If this is a build release there may be one or more existing APK files attached to the release. This is by design.
    3. Delete the APK file from your local project root.
      # Run this from the root directory of the repository:
      rm org.microbiomedata.fieldnotes-*.apk
Create and Distribute an Android Build via Google Play
  1. Build the Android AAB file.
    1. If you haven't already done so, open the Android project in Android Studio.
      ionic capacitor open android
    2. In the toolbar, click Build > Generate Signed App Bundle / APK...
    3. Select "Android App Bundle" and click "Next".
    4. Enter the following information and click "Next".
      • Key store path: <project root>/android/org.microbiomedata.fieldnotes.keystore
      • Key store password: <keystore password>
      • Key alias: nmdc field notes
      • Key password: <keystore password>
    5. Select the "release" build variant and click "Create".
    6. Wait for the gradle build to complete. Look for notification saying "App bundle(s) generated successfully for module '' with 0 build variants."
  2. Distribute the AAB file via Google Play.
    1. In your web browser, go to the Google Play Console.
    2. In the Google Play Console, under the "NMDC Field Notes" app, go to "Test and release" > "Testing" > "Internal testing".
    3. On the "Internal testing" page, click the "Create new release" button in the upper right.
    4. On the "Create internal testing release" page, click "Upload" and select the Android AAB file you generated earlier.
      • It will be located at: android/app/prod/release/app-prod-release.aab
      • It can take a minute or two for Google to "optimize" the file once uploaded.
    5. Scroll down to the "Release details" section and customize the release name and description.
      • Release name: Use the format VERSION (BUILD) instead of BUILD (VERSION); e.g., use 0.1.0 (10) instead of 10 (0.1.0)
      • Release notes: Replace "Enter or paste your release notes..." with any release notes you want to include.
    6. Click "Next".
    7. On the next page, if you see a warning about there being no "deobfuscation file" present, you can disregard that warning.
    8. Click "Save and publish".
      • In the confirmation dialog that appears, click "Save and publish".
    9. Delete the AAB file from your local project file tree.
      # Run this from the root directory of the repository:
      rm android/app/prod/release/app-prod-release.aab

Create and Distribute a new iOS Build


These instructions are based around distributing via TestFlight for the beta release period. These will be updated later to include App Store distribution once a stable release is ready.

  1. Create the iOS build:
    1. Open the iOS project in Xcode.
      ionic capacitor open ios
    2. Select the App_Prod scheme by clicking (in the toolbar) Product > Scheme > App_Prod.
    3. "Create an archive of the app" by clicking (in the toolbar) Product > Archive
    4. "Select the method of distribution" to be TestFlight & App Store
    5. Click the "Validate App" button to validate the build with respect to App Store Connect
    6. Click the "Distribute App" button to upload the build to App Store Connect
    7. Select the App scheme by clicking (in the toolbar) Product > Scheme > App (to return to the development scheme).
  2. Distribute the iOS build via TestFlight:
    1. Log in to App Store Connect
    2. Go to Apps > NMDC Field Notes > TestFlight
    3. Under "iOS Builds," find the newly-uploaded build (in the table of all builds)
    4. If it says "Missing Compliance", click "Manage", select "None of the algorithms mentioned above", and click "Save". The words "Ready to Submit" will take the place of the "Missing Compliance" message.
    5. In the sidebar, click on one of the tester groups (e.g. NMDC iOS Developers)
    6. Add the newly-uploaded build to this group (by clicking the + button next to "Builds"). At this point the people in that tester group will receive an email telling them that a new build is available to test (and that they can get it by opening the TestFlight app).
    7. Repeat the previous two substeps for the other tester groups.

License / Copyright

NMDC Field Notes Phone Application (NMDC Field Notes) Copyright (c) 2024, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Triad National Security, LLC through Los Alamos National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved.

If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this software, please contact Berkeley Lab's Intellectual Property Office at [email protected].

NOTICE. This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so.