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The bite-sized daily graphics starter.

This template repository is designed to help The Michigan Daily data team quickly start up and produce data visualizations to embed on

It has several useful features:

  • MicroCMS with ArchieML
  • Bundling with Parcel
  • D3v7 as a dependency by default
  • Easy deploy to Github Pages
  • Preview screen with embed URL
  • Data ingest from Google Sheets
  • Easy deploy to S3 bucket

Using this template

Clone this repository, then run make init to initialize the project. If the project has already been initialized, just run make install to install the dependencies.

You can use make dev to start a development server, make build to build files into dist/, and make build-prod to build a production site (with analytics) into dist/

Edit the files in src/. To build graphics, you should only be editing files within the src/graphic/ directory. You can write any markup in src/graphic/index.html, and Javascript in src/graphic/js/graphic.js, and any styles in src/graphic/css/graphic.scss.

There are some SCSS variables available to you:

  • $serif for serif font (Lora)
  • $sans for sans serif font (Open Sans)
  • $blue, $maize, $gray, $black, $white, and $blue-{1..5} for colors

Fetching from Google Drive

Download our service account credentials file (auth.json) and put it in the root of this repository.

Fetching HTML from a Google Doc

Consider the following generalized URL:

  1. In config.json, put FILE_ID in
  2. Put a path where the JSON-ified AML should go in fetch.archie.output. This path should probably be somewhere in src/graphic.
  3. Run make gdoc to fetch the specified doc.

Fetching a CSV from a Google Sheet

Consider the following generalized URL:

  1. In config.json, put FILE_ID in
  2. Put SHEET_ID in fetch.sheets.sheetId.
  3. Put a path where the CSV should go in fetch.sheets.output. This path should probably be somewhere in src/graphic.
  4. Run make gsheet to fetch the specified sheet.

Deploying to GitHub Pages

  1. Run make gh-pages
  2. Go to Settings > Pages and check the Enforce HTTPS option. All of our sites should enforce https, so please make sure to double check this!
  3. Your raw graphic will be accessible at<repository-name>/graphic/index.html


Circulation map for The Michigan Daily print papers







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