This web tool is an automatic cralwer able to store all the times a contact in your whatsapp library is online.
Install Firefox
Download geckodriver
add to PATH the path to geckodriver
crete a database and user on firebase
create Configuration/config.json in the following format
{ "apiKey": "A", "authDomain": "", "databaseURL": "", "projectId": "namedb", "storageBucket": "", "messagingSenderId": "B", "appId": "C", "measurementId": "D" } -
create Configuration/cred.json in the following format
{ "email": "email", "password": "passwrod" } -
create Data/ListOfContacts.txt a txt file with all the contacts you want to track reporting the exact naame you saved into your device
scan the QR code on the browser and press enter