Todo: add description of site/app
This is a middlemanapp, a static site
generator. You could deploy this and rely on it being a Rack app or you
could fire the middleman build
command on deploy to generate a
completely static site. Keep this updated with deploy details
below this section. Ruby 2.1.1 is required.
To run the site locally and develop, in the command line, cd
into this
project directory and run:
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec middleman
Then visit localhost:4567 in your browser.
Documentation for languages/frameworks in use:
- middleman; Ruby static site generator
- Sass; CSS preprocessor in use (SCSS syntax)
- Compass; CSS authoring framework
- Susy 2; Grid math @includes
- Breakpoint; @media-query @includes
- HAML; Less verbose than HTML templating
- CoffeeScript; Less verbose than regular JS
- jQuery; JS Framework for prototyping behavior
Todo: Update deploy info here (uses heroku by default, AWS, scripts, etc.)
- You will need the Heroku Toolbelt and create an app or make sure you are added as a collaborator and the .git/config is up to date
- Procfile, Rakefile, all are currently setup for deploying static middleman site to heroku
New heroku app:
# Create a new heroku app with name specified and add heroku remote to your .git/config:
heroku create:apps [appname]
# Deploy to heroku:
git push heroku master
This middleman app was started with Wardrobe: a middleman template for creating prototypes and styleguides.