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LastFm API binding and connect support using Spring Social. This project contains LastFm specific versions of ProviderSignInController and ConnectController which can handle LastFm's non-oauth scheme, as an alternative to the pseduo-oauth strategy of base spring-social-lastfm project.

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


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LastFm's auth scheme is *neither* OAuth1 or OAuth2 and there are currently two strategies for using 
spring-social-lastfm with SignIn/Connect web controllers.

1)   A Pseudo-OAuth strategy (as described in the base spring-social-lastfm project) where adapters and filters are
used to conform spring-social-lastfm so it appears to be OAuth-compliant to Spring-Social.  This allows existing
ProviderSignInController and ConnectController implementations to be used.

2)   A Non-OAuth strategy, as provided by this project (spring-social-lastfm-non-oauth-web), where the standard
non-oauth lastfm api is used directly.  Spring-Social's ProviderSignInController and ConnectController cannot be used
in this case, as they require OAuth-compiance.  This project therefore provides LastFm specific LastFmSignInController and 
LastFmConnectController controller implementations which must be used *instead* of  ProviderSignInController and ConnectController.

These implementations handle LastFm's non-oauth collbacks, and can also handle callbacks which *are* oauth to allow
for compatability with other spring-social providers.

This module has a dependency on SocialSignIn's spring-social-web-non-oauth-extension as a temporary measure until such time
as Spring's own ProviderSignInController/ConnectController are cabable of supporting non-OAuth providers (ie. can be
extended for custom auth).  The spring-social-web-non-oauth-extension project is available at

Please build the spring-social-web-non-oauth-extension and install into your local repo in order to use spring-social-lastfm,
until I get the chance to deploy this project into a public mvn repo 


LastFm API binding and connect support using Spring Social. This project contains LastFm specific versions of ProviderSignInController and ConnectController which can handle LastFm's non-oauth scheme, as an alternative to the pseduo-oauth strategy of base spring-social-lastfm project.






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