In our previous work (, we integrated a SIP stack into a Web browser and leveraged its multimedia and messaging capabilities to send Universal Resource Locators (URLs) with or without session data within the Web browser interface. In addition, a multimedia session between two Web browsers could be established. In content sharing, only a URL is sent, while in session handoff, a URL with its session data are transferred between twoWeb browsers. We discovered that the ability to send URLs and setup multimedia sessions between two or more Web browsers would result in unsolicited or unwanted requests among the users.
This anomaly would result into SPAM. SPAM, which is used to describe unsolicited emails on the Internet, now exists in the IP Telephony world. In the IP Telephony world, it is known as Spam over IP Telephony (SPIT), and in IPTV, it is called Spam over IPTV (SPIV).
To alleviate the problem in our work, a user should be able to manage requests; for example, a user should be able to set policies to block unwanted requests or redirect a request to another PC. Aside addressing SPAM in our work, a user could have more than one request at a time and would want to choose what request should be first fulfilled.
This project was available at until was decommisioned. Its demo is available at