Game created as a project for TP subject. The goal in the game is to reach the highest punctuation by collecting stars.
The GUI is created using Pantalla wrapper, given in the subject.
To compile the game just run:
$ make
Once compiled the executable file is prepared and you can play the game by running:
$ ./run
In order to play the game with a certain resolution you can specify it via command line:
# ./run width height
$ ./run 1280 960
If you want to erase all generated files run:
$ make clean
Note: This feature is in progress.
You can compile the application and create a desktop icon all in one. Run:
$ sudo make install
$ sudo make uninstall
This creates/removes a desktop icon and the binary at /usr/bin
The game needs the system to have installed the following:
- SDL2 Library
- GNU Make
- GCC Compiler
- XLib11
sudo apt install gcc make libsdl2-dev -y