This is a repository containing some of the code needed to replicate the work for our reversible recom paper Spanning Trees and Redistricting: New Methods for Sampling and Validation.
- aux_script_files: Contains a script to set up the Julia environment and install the necessary packages.
- cli_files: Contains the CLIs created for running both the SMC and the Forest ReCom methods. These were necessary for batching jobs on the HPC.
- data_processing: Contains the main file used for processing much of the raw data
into a format that can be used for the figure scripts.
- Ben_Tally: Contains the
rust library which is used to tally the cut edges, key values, and assignment filp counts for ensembles of interest. - other_processing_scripts: Contains more scripts used for data processing. Mainly, this directory contains the scipts used to generate the complete enumeration of 7x7 grid graphs into 7-ominos.
- Ben_Tally: Contains the
- example_files: Contains some example files that can be used to recreate several steps in the analysis pipeline. All of the necessary scripts are contained in the "example_scripts" subdirectory, and they should be runnable after sourcing the setup script.
- figure_and_table_generation: Contains the scripts used to generate the figures and tables
in the paper.
- figure_scripts: Contains the scripts used to generate the figures in the paper.
- figures: Contains copies of the figures that were used in the paper.
- table-outputs: Contains the outputs of the table scripts. Used to construct tables in the paper.
- table_scripts: Contains the scripts used to generate the tables in the paper.
- hpc_files:
- hpc_logs: An empty folder that is left in place to make the replication process easier when running slurm scripts.
- hpc_processed_data: An empty folder that is left in place to make the replication process easier when running slurm scripts.
- hpc_raw_data: An empty folder that is left in place to make the replication process easier when running slurm scripts.
- slurm_scripts: Contains copies of the slurm scripts used to run the Reversible ReCom, Forest ReCom, and SMC on the Tufts HPC.
- JSON_dualgraphs: Contains the JSON-formatted dual graphs used in the creation of our figures.
- other_data_files: Contains some data and script files used to process the remainder
of the data obtained from experimental runs.
- data_files: Additional data files needed for our analysis.
- script_files: Additional scripts used to make relevant data files. These scripts were generally not used in the cluster, but were instead ran on a local machine.
- shapefiles: Contains the shapefiles used in the creation of some of our figures (necessary for SMC).
Note: These instructions are intended for Mac and Linux users. Windows users may follow along by using the Windows Subsystem for Linux and Windows Terminal which allow for the use of Linux commands within a Windows environment. Windows users will also need to install the appropriate subsystem, for which we recommend Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS due to the ease-of-use and quantity of support documentation for Ubuntu users.
To set up this project to run some of the analysis scripts contained within, you must make sure that you have Cargo, Julia, and R (or RStudio) installed. To install Cargo, visit the Rustup Download Page and follow the instructions for your operating system. Likewise, to install Julia, visit the Julia Installation Page. And installing R/RStudio can be done through the RStudio Installation Page All of the work for this project was done using Julia version 1.9.3, and but it should still work with Julia versions 1.9.*-1.x.*, and all R work was done using version 4.4.0, but everything will be fine on versions 4.4.*.
(Note: It may be easier for MacOS users to install Julia using the Homebrew package manager than installing from the Julia website.)
⚠️ There appears to be a memory leak bug that sometimes appears when running theredist
package. This memory leak appears to be an issue with the R interpreter not freeing memory appropriately when the R base language and the relevant RCpp and Rarmadillo libraries are compiled with an earler version of gcc/gfortran. To avoid this bug, please make sure to have R version >= 4.4.2 and a verson ofgcc released after 15 May 2024. Relevant gdal and fortran compilation libraries should also be up-to-date.
After making sure the appropriate programming languages are installed on your machine, you can simply invoke
sourcing is necessary to make sure that the Julia project is set up correctly.
To run any of the Julia script files contained in this repository, you will need to download the the correct version of the Julia code from github using the included setup file:
julia aux_script_files/setup.jl
Alternatively, you can activate the Julia interactive terminal by calling julia
and then make the following commands:
julia> import Pkg
julia> Pkg.activate(".")
julia> Pkg.add(RandomNumbers)
julia> Pkg.add(url="")
You may also need to set your JULIA_PROJECT
environment variable to the same directory
as this README file. This can be done by running the following command:
export JULIA_PROJECT=$(pwd)
To run the Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) code for this repository, you will need to have the appropriate version of R (you don't need RStudio, but it is nice to have) installed, as well as the following packages:
To install these packages, you can simply invoke the R terminal (or open RStudio) and call
> install.packages("argparser")
> install.packages("dplyr")
> install.packages("ggplot2")
> install.packages("remotes")
> install.packages("sf")
> install.packages("argparser")
> library("remotes")
> remotes::install_github("mggg/redist-fork", ref = "0cdab508e166c398c3f06663220246194d7692e5")
After that, the smc_cli.R
file should work as expected.
During the installation process, you might come accross an error saying that the packages 's2' and 'units' are not installed. If you then try to install 's2' using R's package manager, you may then get an error like
ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘s2’
* removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/s2’
The downloaded source packages are in
Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) :
there is no package called ‘s2’
In addition: Warning message:
In install.packages(pkg, repos = "") :
installation of package ‘s2’ had non-zero exit status
Execution halted
This generally means that your system is missing some dependencies. In an Debian-based distro (e.g. Ubuntu), you may rectify this via
apt update && apt install -y \
libgdal-dev \
libgeos-dev \
libproj-dev \
libudunits2-dev \
libssl-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
libprotobuf-dev \
protobuf-compiler \
Which will install the packages needed for 's2' to work on your system.
If you are on mac, then the corresponding brew packages would be:
brew update && brew install \
gdal \
geos \
gfortran \
proj \
udunits \
openssl \
In some versions of R, especially on newer Mac installations, there can be a slight issue
during the installation of the redist
package. Specifically, you might see something like
ld: warning: search path '/opt/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.0/12.2.0' not found
ld: warning: search path '/opt/gfortran/lib' not found
ld: library 'gfortran' not found
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'redist'
* removing '/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.4-arm64/Resources/library/redist'
Warning message:
In i.p(...) :
installation of package '/var/folders/r_/xjlnv23j48v1p28d0tq18wcc0000gn/T//RtmpxA09fJ/file130a75c9fcf76/redist_4.1.2.tar.gz' had non-zero exit status
In this message, the key line is
ld: warning: search path '/opt/gfortran/lib/gcc/aarch64-apple-darwin20.0/12.2.0' not found
which indicates that R is trying to grab a gfortran library that was not installed with the
brew package manager. The easiest way to try and fix this is to just adjust the compilation
flags for R (i.e. edit the file ~/.R/Makevars/
). Most likely, you have never touched
this file before, so the easiest way to fix this is to invoke the following from the console:
mkdir -p ~/.R && echo "CC = clang
CXX = clang++
FC = /opt/homebrew/bin/gfortran
F77 = /opt/homebrew/bin/gfortran
FLIBS = -L/opt/homebrew/opt/gcc/lib/gcc/current -lgfortran -lquadmath -lm" > ~/.R/Makevars
In order to convert the "atlas" format that is output by the MSMS code to an assignment-vector
format, it is necessary to install the msms_parser
, smc_parser
and ben
cli tools. This
can be downloaded using the Cargo package manager.
The ben
cli tool may then be installed using the command
cargo install binary-ensemble
and msms_parser
and smc_parser
can be installed using
cargo install --git
cargo install --git
In addition to these CLI tools, you will need the ben-tally
cli tool that allows for tallying across an output BEN file.
This is included in the 'Ben_Tally' folder and may be installed using
cargo install --path ./data_processing/Ben_Tally
There are a couple of different modes for the ben-tally
CLI. The default mode tallies the cut edges of the partition
and may be invoked using
ben-tally -g <path-to-JSON-file> -b <path-to-BEN-file-to-tally>
This will output a file with the suffix "cut-edges.parquet" added to it which can then be read in python. In the event that you would like to tally particular attributes of graph, you will need to use the command
ben-tally -m tally-keys -g <path-to-JSON-file> -b <path-to-BEN-file-to-tally> --keys <list-of-keys-to-tally>
so an example usage would be
ben-tally -m tally-keys -g ./JSON/VA_precincts.json -b VA_Forest_steps_10000000_rng_seed_278986_gamma_0.0_alpha_1.0_ndists_11_20241112_124346.jsonl.ben --keys G16DPRS G16RPRS
Replication of much of this work requires access to a HPC (and one that uses the Slurm scheduler if you would like to run the batch script files contained in this repository).
Each of the Slurm batch scripts should be runable from a copy of this repository. That is to say, if you clone a copy of this repository, then you should be able to run the scipts simply by calling
sbatch <script-name>
from the command line while in the slurm_scripts
directory (Note: if you call the script from
the wrong directory, you will get some path errors due to relative path resolution issues).