SONiC has been implemented with gRPC for streaming telemetry. This lab will provide you steps to enable gnmi and its associated tools to stream metrics.
- Installation
- Fixing the Telemetry Service at SONiC
- gnmiC Example
- New Versions of SONiC with gnmi container
Functions | Tools Used |
Router/Switch | SONiC on Nokia IXR-7215 |
gnmi collector | gnmic |
TSDB | Prometheus |
Dashboard/UI | Grafana |
Container Infra | containerlab |
The tools stack are aforementioned and will use containerlab to deploy the tools. We are using DAIL-IN method, where the xpaths are set externally from gnmi collector.
Install containerlab at your host machine/telemetry host (not at SONiC) before proceeding.
Note: At SONiC Node, Make sure the Telemetry container is up and running else fix the container with the instructions given below
Deploy the Telemetry Stack
- Clone the repo
git clone && cd sonic-telemetry
- Deploy the stack
containerlab deploy -t telemetry-sonic.clab.yml
The above will pull all required images from the public repo (need internet connection), connect the application and configures them.
SONiC does not have complete yang data model yet implemented, Hence DB, TABLE and KEY are used to identify the data uniquely.
The virtual path concept is introduced for SONiC telemetry. It doesn't exist in SONiC redis database, telemetry module performs internal translation to map it to real data path and returns data accordingly.
gnmiC is the client which dails-in to subscribe to various xpaths/virtual-paths to collect metrics. The gnmic config located at tele-config/gnmic.yaml
Note: Adjust the target IP address with your environments/node`s IP, Username, Password and subscription information.
username: admin
password: password
encoding: json
- sonic_port
username: admin
password: nok1a!
encoding: json_ietf
- srl_if_oper_state
- srl_if_stats
- srl_if_traffic_rate
- srl_apps
- srl_cpu
- srl_mem
# any other node
Once updated the new target, you can restart the gnmic container docker restart clab-sonic-gnmic
or also redeploy the stack using containerlab deploy -t telemetry-sonic.clab.yml --reconfigure
gnmiC dails-in on specific yang paths also called as xpaths or virtual-paths(SONiC). gnmiC needs to be configured with the appropriate paths.
Note: Add or Update with your nodes`s xpath for gnmiC to collect metrics.
- /interface[name=ethernet-1/*]/oper-state
mode: stream
stream-mode: sample
sample-interval: 10s
- "COUNTERS/Ethernet0"
- "COUNTERS/Ethernet1"
- "COUNTERS/Ethernet32"
stream-mode: sample
sample-interval: 10s
The above subscription srl_if_oper_state
and sonic_port
needs to be listed under the respective target nodes.
If the Telemetry container is up and running in your SONiC Node, you can skip this step and go directly to Installation.
Fixing the Telemetry Container
The SONiC device has the Telemetry container which might be in exited
state, Lets fix this first.
admin@sonic:~$ docker ps --all
ddedbed28641 docker-snmp:latest "/usr/local/bin/supe…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours snmp
66da3f6d9754 docker-sonic-telemetry:latest "/usr/local/bin/supe…" 2 months ago Exited (0) 10 minutes ago telemetry
3748af29ce98 2334c214e07f "/usr/bin/docker_ini…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours dhcp_relay
ef78a48ffdc2 docker-platform-monitor:latest "/usr/bin/docker_ini…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours pmon
fb672d2ffd84 docker-lldp:latest "/usr/bin/docker-lld…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours lldp
6c433abdc45b docker-fpm-frr:latest "/usr/bin/docker_ini…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours bgp
f870efdfce7a docker-router-advertiser:latest "/usr/bin/docker-ini…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours radv
a14167f26de8 docker-syncd-mrvl:latest "/usr/local/bin/supe…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours syncd
abcbd9b80db5 docker-teamd:latest "/usr/local/bin/supe…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours teamd
5539e083dd64 docker-orchagent:latest "/usr/bin/docker-ini…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours swss
60e51e9afb20 docker-acms:latest "/usr/local/bin/supe…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours acms
8ffd722b83d0 docker-database:latest "/usr/local/bin/dock…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours database
You can check telemetry logs at /var/log/telemetry.log
. SONiC will have baseline configurations for Telemetry/gnmi, and it will check for certs in the below path. Configurations can be checked either by running show runningconfiguration all
or cat /etc/sonic/config_db.json
"certs": {
"ca_crt": "/etc/sonic/telemetry/dsmsroot.cer",
"server_crt": "/etc/sonic/telemetry/streamingtelemetryserver.cer",
"server_key": "/etc/sonic/telemetry/streamingtelemetryserver.key"
Generate certs
a. Create a directory called telemetry
mkdir /etc/sonic/telemetry
sudo openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout /etc/sonic/telemetry/dsmsroot.key -out /etc/sonic/telemetry/dsmsroot.cer -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -subj '/CN=sonic-lab'
sudo openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout /etc/sonic/telemetry/streamingtelemetryserver.key -out /etc/sonic/telemetry/streamingtelemetryserver.csr -subj "/CN=sonic-lab"
sudo openssl x509 -req -in /etc/sonic/telemetry/streamingtelemetryserver.csr -CA /etc/sonic/telemetry/dsmsroot.cer -CAkey /etc/sonic/telemetry/dsmsroot.key -CAcreateserial -out /etc/sonic/telemetry/streamingtelemetryserver.cer -days 365 -sha512
Restart the telemetry container
sudo docker container restart telemetry
Verify that telemetry container should be up and running
admin@sonic:/etc/sonic$ docker ps
ddedbed28641 docker-snmp:latest "/usr/local/bin/supe…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours snmp
66da3f6d9754 docker-sonic-telemetry:latest "/usr/local/bin/supe…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours telemetry
3748af29ce98 2334c214e07f "/usr/bin/docker_ini…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours dhcp_relay
ef78a48ffdc2 docker-platform-monitor:latest "/usr/bin/docker_ini…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours pmon
fb672d2ffd84 docker-lldp:latest "/usr/bin/docker-lld…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours lldp
6c433abdc45b docker-fpm-frr:latest "/usr/bin/docker_ini…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours bgp
f870efdfce7a docker-router-advertiser:latest "/usr/bin/docker-ini…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours radv
a14167f26de8 docker-syncd-mrvl:latest "/usr/local/bin/supe…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours syncd
abcbd9b80db5 docker-teamd:latest "/usr/local/bin/supe…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours teamd
5539e083dd64 docker-orchagent:latest "/usr/bin/docker-ini…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours swss
60e51e9afb20 docker-acms:latest "/usr/local/bin/supe…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours acms
8ffd722b83d0 docker-database:latest "/usr/local/bin/dock…" 2 months ago Up 42 hours database
Make sure the config for gnmi is already configured at SONiC. You can change the port number and authnetication options at /etc/sonic/config_db.json
and reload the config using the command:
sudo config load config_db.json
For example in my case, my gnmi collector would be dailing on port 57400 with insecure connection.
"gnmi": {
"client_auth": "false",
"log_level": "2",
"port": "57400"
Lets get the data for Port-ETHERNET-35.
Ports data is stored in COUNTER_DB
Similary the same can we used to configure in the file here gnmic.yaml
- xpath : path
- xpath_target : target
Using gnmiC
➜ telemetry gnmic -a -u admin -p password --skip-verify get --path COUNTERS/Ethernet35 --target COUNTERS_DB
"source": "",
"timestamp": 1695604925855859308,
"time": "2023-09-24T21:22:05.855859308-04:00",
"target": "COUNTERS_DB",
"updates": [
"Path": "COUNTERS/Ethernet35",
"values": {
"COUNTERS/Ethernet35": {
~~ snip ~~
The port mapping in the SONiC might mislead sometimes. The command show interfaces alias
will provide mapping between the Front-Panel and the Internal Ports.
In my case, I have a cable from Front-Panel labelled as 37 towards Nokia SR, Consider that as etp37, while pulling some graphs, the query should be made on Ethernet36
admin@sonic:~$ show interfaces alias
Name Alias
---------- -------
~ snip~~
Ethernet36 etp37
Example using gnmic for Physical Port 37
gnmic -a sub --skip-verify --target COUNTERS_DB --path "COUNTERS/Ethernet36" --stream-mode sample --sample-interval 10s --format event
The newer versions of SONiC do not have Telemetry
container anymore, instead it has been replaced with gnmi
Step-1: Check if the gnmi container is running
docker ps | grep gnmi
Step-2: Start the gnmi service if not running
sudo systemctl start gnmi.service
admin@sonic:~$ sudo systemctl status gnmi.service
● gnmi.service - GNMI container
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/gnmi.service; static)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/gnmi.service.d
Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-12-25 04:54:39 UTC; 49min ago
Process: 52936 ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/ start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 52963 (
Tasks: 3 (limit: 4571)
Memory: 29.1M
CGroup: /system.slice/gnmi.service
├─52963 /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/ wait
├─52965 /bin/bash /usr/bin/ wait
└─52966 python3 /usr/local/bin/container wait gnmi
Dec 25 04:54:39 sonic container[52952]: container_start: gnmi: set_owner:local fallback:True remote_state:none server_connected:false
Dec 25 04:54:39 sonic container[52952]: docker cmd: start for gnmi
Dec 25 04:54:39 sonic container[52952]: container_start: END
Dec 25 04:54:39 sonic systemd[1]: Started gnmi.service - GNMI container.
Dec 25 04:54:39 sonic container[52966]: container_wait: BEGIN
Dec 25 04:54:39 sonic container[52966]: read_data: config:True feature:gnmi fields:[('set_owner', 'local'), ('no_fallback_to_local', False), ('state', 'disabled')] val:['local', False, 'enabled']
Dec 25 04:54:39 sonic container[52966]: read_data: config:False feature:gnmi fields:[('current_owner', 'none'), ('remote_state', 'none'), ('container_id', '')] val:['none', 'none', '']
Dec 25 04:54:39 sonic container[52966]: docker get image version for gnmi
Dec 25 04:54:39 sonic container[52966]: container_wait: gnmi: set_owner:local ct_owner:none state:none id:gnmi pend=0
Dec 25 04:54:39 sonic container[52966]: container_wait: END -- transitioning to docker wait
Step-3: Enable the gnmi feature
sudo config feature state gnmi enabled
Step-4: Restart the service
sudo systemctl restart gnmi.service
Verify, in the newer version the gnmi is running on port 8080
sudo netstat -tuln | grep 8080
admin@sonic:~$ sudo netstat -peanut | grep 8080
tcp6 0 0 :::8080 :::* LISTEN 0 599818 57957/telemetry