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Add REPL fns for printing, etc.
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mfikes committed Jun 21, 2020
1 parent 0b55f49 commit c014684
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Showing 2 changed files with 229 additions and 0 deletions.
219 changes: 219 additions & 0 deletions src/esprit/from/cljs/repl.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
(ns esprit.from.cljs.repl
(:require-macros [cljs.repl])
(:require [goog.string :as gstring]

;; This namespace is a copy of cljs.repl with spec removed (in order to reduce runtime size)

(defn print-doc [{n :ns nm :name :as m}]
(println "-------------------------")
(println (or (:spec m) (str (when-let [ns (:ns m)] (str ns "/")) (:name m))))
(when (:protocol m)
(println "Protocol"))
(:forms m) (doseq [f (:forms m)]
(println " " f))
(:arglists m) (let [arglists (:arglists m)]
(if (or (:macro m)
(:repl-special-function m))
(prn arglists)
(if (= 'quote (first arglists))
(second arglists)
(if (:special-form m)
(println "Special Form")
(println " " (:doc m))
(if (contains? m :url)
(when (:url m)
(println (str "\n Please see" (:url m))))
(println (str "\n Please see"
(:name m)))))
(when (:macro m)
(println "Macro"))
(when (:spec m)
(println "Spec"))
(when (:repl-special-function m)
(println "REPL Special Function"))
(println " " (:doc m))
(when (:protocol m)
(doseq [[name {:keys [doc arglists]}] (:methods m)]
(println " " name)
(println " " arglists)
(when doc
(println " " doc)))))))

(defn Error->map
"Constructs a data representation for a Error with keys:
:cause - root cause message
:phase - error phase
:via - cause chain, with cause keys:
:type - exception class symbol
:message - exception message
:data - ex-data
:at - top stack element
:trace - root cause stack elements"
(let [base (fn [t]
(merge {:type (cond
(instance? ExceptionInfo t) 'ExceptionInfo
(instance? js/Error t) (symbol "js" (.-name t))
:else nil)}
(when-let [msg (ex-message t)]
{:message msg})
(when-let [ed (ex-data t)]
{:data ed})
#_(let [st (extract-canonical-stacktrace t)]
(when (pos? (count st))
{:at st}))))
via (loop [via [], t o]
(if t
(recur (conj via t) (ex-cause t))
root (peek via)]
(merge {:via (vec (map base via))
:trace nil #_(extract-canonical-stacktrace (or root o))}
(when-let [root-msg (ex-message root)]
{:cause root-msg})
(when-let [data (ex-data root)]
{:data data})
(when-let [phase (-> o ex-data :clojure.error/phase)]
{:phase phase}))))

(defn ex-triage
"Returns an analysis of the phase, error, cause, and location of an error that occurred
based on Throwable data, as returned by Throwable->map. All attributes other than phase
are optional:
:clojure.error/phase - keyword phase indicator, one of:
:read-source :compile-syntax-check :compilation :macro-syntax-check :macroexpansion
:execution :read-eval-result :print-eval-result
:clojure.error/source - file name (no path)
:clojure.error/line - integer line number
:clojure.error/column - integer column number
:clojure.error/symbol - symbol being expanded/compiled/invoked
:clojure.error/class - cause exception class symbol
:clojure.error/cause - cause exception message
:clojure.error/spec - explain-data for spec error"
(let [{:keys [via trace phase] :or {phase :execution}} datafied-throwable
{:keys [type message data]} (last via)
{:cljs.spec.alpha/keys [problems fn] :cljs.spec.test.alpha/keys [caller]} data
{:keys [:clojure.error/source] :as top-data} (:data (first via))]
(case phase
(let [{:keys [:clojure.error/line :clojure.error/column]} data]
(cond-> (merge (-> via second :data) top-data)
source (assoc :clojure.error/source source)
(#{"NO_SOURCE_FILE" "NO_SOURCE_PATH"} source) (dissoc :clojure.error/source)
message (assoc :clojure.error/cause message)))

(:compile-syntax-check :compilation :macro-syntax-check :macroexpansion)
(cond-> top-data
source (assoc :clojure.error/source source)
(#{"NO_SOURCE_FILE" "NO_SOURCE_PATH"} source) (dissoc :clojure.error/source)
type (assoc :clojure.error/class type)
message (assoc :clojure.error/cause message)
problems (assoc :clojure.error/spec data))

(:read-eval-result :print-eval-result)
(let [[source method file line] (-> trace first)]
(cond-> top-data
line (assoc :clojure.error/line line)
file (assoc :clojure.error/source file)
(and source method) (assoc :clojure.error/symbol (vector #_java-loc->source source method))
type (assoc :clojure.error/class type)
message (assoc :clojure.error/cause message)))

(let [[source method file line] (->> trace #_(drop-while #(core-class? (name (first %)))) first)
file (first (remove #(or (nil? %) (#{"NO_SOURCE_FILE" "NO_SOURCE_PATH"} %)) [(:file caller) file]))
err-line (or (:line caller) line)]
(cond-> {:clojure.error/class type}
err-line (assoc :clojure.error/line err-line)
message (assoc :clojure.error/cause message)
(or fn (and source method)) (assoc :clojure.error/symbol (or fn (vector #_java-loc->source source method)))
file (assoc :clojure.error/source file)
problems (assoc :clojure.error/spec data))))
:clojure.error/phase phase)))

(defn ex-str
"Returns a string from exception data, as produced by ex-triage.
The first line summarizes the exception phase and location.
The subsequent lines describe the cause."
[{:clojure.error/keys [phase source line column symbol class cause spec] :as triage-data}]
(let [loc (str (or source "<cljs repl>") ":" (or line 1) (if column (str ":" column) ""))
class-name (name (or class ""))
simple-class class-name
cause-type (if (contains? #{"Exception" "RuntimeException"} simple-class)
"" ;; omit, not useful
(str " (" simple-class ")"))
format gstring/format]
(case phase
(format "Syntax error reading source at (%s).\n%s\n" loc cause)

(format "Syntax error macroexpanding %sat (%s).\n%s"
(if symbol (str symbol " ") "")
(if spec
(if true #_(= s/*explain-out* s/explain-printer)
(update spec :cljs.spec.alpha/problems
(fn [probs] (map #(dissoc % :in) probs)))
(format "%s\n" cause)))

(format "Unexpected error%s macroexpanding %sat (%s).\n%s\n"
(if symbol (str symbol " ") "")

(format "Syntax error%s compiling %sat (%s).\n%s\n"
(if symbol (str symbol " ") "")

(format "Unexpected error%s compiling %sat (%s).\n%s\n"
(if symbol (str symbol " ") "")

(format "Error reading eval result%s at %s (%s).\n%s\n" cause-type symbol loc cause)

(format "Error printing return value%s at %s (%s).\n%s\n" cause-type symbol loc cause)

(if spec
(format "Execution error - invalid arguments to %s at (%s).\n%s"
(if true #_(= s/*explain-out* s/explain-printer)
(update spec :cljs.spec.alpha/problems
(fn [probs] (map #(dissoc % :in) probs)))
(format "Execution error%s at %s(%s).\n%s\n"
(if symbol (str symbol " ") "")

(defn error->str [error]
(ex-str (ex-triage (Error->map error))))
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/esprit/repl.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns esprit.repl
[clojure.string :as string]
[esprit.from.cljs.repl :as cljs-repl]
[esprit.indicators :as ind]))

(ind/indicate-eval false)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,5 +81,14 @@
(.connect wifi wifi-ssid #js {:password wifi-password} (fn [])))

;; Monkey patch in cljs.repl functions

(set! cljs.repl #js {})
(set! cljs.repl/print-doc cljs-repl/print-doc)
(set! cljs.repl/Error->map cljs-repl/Error->map)
(set! cljs.repl/ex-triage cljs-repl/ex-triage)
(set! cljs.repl/ex-str cljs-repl/ex-str)
(set! cljs.repl/error->str cljs-repl/error->str)

;; workaround a bug where last form doesn't seem to be evaluated
(def ^:private dummy 3)

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