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[PWGLF] Added some configurables and pp analysis code for test (Alice…
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Co-authored-by: ALICE Action Bot <[email protected]>
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SuJeong-Ji and alibuild authored Dec 19, 2024
1 parent 9b7c88b commit 19f518b
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Showing 4 changed files with 2,017 additions and 123 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions PWGLF/Tasks/Resonances/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -168,3 +168,8 @@ o2physics_add_dpl_workflow(chk892flow
SOURCES chk892flow.cxx

SOURCES chk892pp.cxx
273 changes: 150 additions & 123 deletions PWGLF/Tasks/Resonances/chk892flow.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -151,11 +151,6 @@ struct chk892flow {

// Cuts from polarization analysis
Configurable<bool> cfgQvecSel{"cfgQvecSel", true, "Reject events when no QVector"};
Configurable<bool> cfgOccupancySel{"cfgOccupancySel", false, "Occupancy selection"};
Configurable<int> cfgMaxOccupancy{"cfgMaxOccupancy", 999999, "maximum occupancy of tracks in neighbouring collisions in a given time range"};
Configurable<int> cfgMinOccupancy{"cfgMinOccupancy", -100, "maximum occupancy of tracks in neighbouring collisions in a given time range"};
Configurable<bool> cfgNCollinTR{"cfgNCollinTR", false, "Additional selection for the number of coll in time range"};

Configurable<int> cfgCentEst{"cfgCentEst", 1, "Centrality estimator, 1: FT0C, 2: FT0M"};

// DCAr to PV
Expand All @@ -164,6 +159,7 @@ struct chk892flow {
Configurable<float> cMaxbDCAzToPVcut{"cMaxbDCAzToPVcut", 0.1, "Track DCAz cut to PV Maximum"};

/// PID Selections, pion
Configurable<bool> cTPConly{"cTPConly", false, "Use only TPC for PID"}; // bool
Configurable<float> cMaxTPCnSigmaPion{"cMaxTPCnSigmaPion", 3.0, "TPC nSigma cut for Pion"}; // TPC
Configurable<float> cMaxTOFnSigmaPion{"cMaxTOFnSigmaPion", 3.0, "TOF nSigma cut for Pion"}; // TOF
Configurable<float> nsigmaCutCombinedPion{"nsigmaCutCombinedPion", -999, "Combined nSigma cut for Pion"}; // Combined
Expand All @@ -188,6 +184,7 @@ struct chk892flow {

// Secondary Selection
Configurable<bool> cfgReturnFlag{"boolReturnFlag", false, "Return Flag for debugging"};
Configurable<bool> cSecondaryRequire{"bool", true, "Secondary cuts on/off"};
Configurable<bool> cSecondaryArmenterosCut{"boolArmenterosCut", true, "cut on Armenteros-Podolanski graph"};

Configurable<bool> cfgByPassDauPIDSelection{"cfgByPassDauPIDSelection", true, "Bypass Daughters PID selection"};
Expand All @@ -202,7 +199,7 @@ struct chk892flow {
Configurable<float> cSecondaryDCAtoPVMax{"cSecondaryDCAtoPVMax", 0.3, "Maximum DCA Secondary to PV"};
Configurable<float> cSecondaryProperLifetimeMax{"cSecondaryProperLifetimeMax", 20, "Maximum Secondary Lifetime"};
Configurable<float> cSecondaryparamArmenterosCut{"paramArmenterosCut", 0.2, "parameter for Armenteros Cut"};
Configurable<float> cSecondaryMassWindow{"cSecondaryMassWindow", 0.075, "Secondary inv mass selciton window"};
Configurable<float> cSecondaryMassWindow{"cSecondaryMassWindow", 0.03, "Secondary inv mass selciton window"};

// K* selection
Configurable<float> cKstarMaxRap{"cKstarMaxRap", 0.5, "Kstar maximum rapidity"};
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,10 +275,6 @@ struct chk892flow {
histos.add("QA/before/hEvent", "Number of Events", HistType::kTH1F, {{1, 0.5, 1.5}});

// EventPlane
histos.add("QA/EP/EPhEPDet", "Event plane distribution of FT0C (Det = A)", {HistType::kTH2D, {centAxis, epAxis}});
histos.add("QA/EP/EPhEPB", "Event plane distribution of TPCpos (B)", {HistType::kTH2D, {centAxis, epAxis}});
histos.add("QA/EP/EPhEPC", "Event plane distribution of TPCneg (C)", {HistType::kTH2D, {centAxis, epAxis}});

histos.add("QA/EP/hEPDet", "Event plane distribution of FT0C (Det = A)", {HistType::kTH2D, {centAxis, epAxis}});
histos.add("QA/EP/hEPB", "Event plane distribution of TPCpos (B)", {HistType::kTH2D, {centAxis, epAxis}});
histos.add("QA/EP/hEPC", "Event plane distribution of TPCneg (C)", {HistType::kTH2D, {centAxis, epAxis}});
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -540,24 +533,38 @@ struct chk892flow {
bool selectionPIDPion(TrackType const& candidate)
bool tpcPIDPassed{false}, tofPIDPassed{false};
if (std::abs(candidate.tpcNSigmaPi()) < cMaxTPCnSigmaPion) {
tpcPIDPassed = true;
} else {
return false;
if (candidate.hasTOF()) {
if (std::abs(candidate.tofNSigmaPi()) < cMaxTOFnSigmaPion) {
tofPIDPassed = true;
if ((nsigmaCutCombinedPion > 0) && (candidate.tpcNSigmaPi() * candidate.tpcNSigmaPi() + candidate.tofNSigmaPi() * candidate.tofNSigmaPi() < nsigmaCutCombinedPion * nsigmaCutCombinedPion)) {
tofPIDPassed = true;

if (cTPConly) {

if (std::abs(candidate.tpcNSigmaPi()) < cMaxTPCnSigmaPion) {
tpcPIDPassed = true;
} else {
return false;
tofPIDPassed = true;

} else {
if (!cTOFVeto) {

if (std::abs(candidate.tpcNSigmaPi()) < cMaxTPCnSigmaPion) {
tpcPIDPassed = true;
} else {
return false;
tofPIDPassed = true;
if (candidate.hasTOF()) {
if (std::abs(candidate.tofNSigmaPi()) < cMaxTOFnSigmaPion) {
tofPIDPassed = true;
if ((nsigmaCutCombinedPion > 0) && (candidate.tpcNSigmaPi() * candidate.tpcNSigmaPi() + candidate.tofNSigmaPi() * candidate.tofNSigmaPi() < nsigmaCutCombinedPion * nsigmaCutCombinedPion)) {
tofPIDPassed = true;
} else {
if (!cTOFVeto) {
return false;
tofPIDPassed = true;

if (tpcPIDPassed && tofPIDPassed) {
return true;
Expand All @@ -581,141 +588,161 @@ struct chk892flow {
if (cfgReturnFlag) {
bool returnFlag = true;

histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 0);
if (DauDCA > cSecondaryDauDCAMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 1);
returnFlag = false;
if (DauPosDCAtoPV < cSecondaryDauPosDCAtoPVMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 2);
returnFlag = false;
if (DauNegDCAtoPV < cSecondaryDauNegDCAtoPVMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 3);
returnFlag = false;
if (pT < cSecondaryPtMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 4);
returnFlag = false;
if (Rapidity > cSecondaryRapidityMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 5);
returnFlag = false;
if (Radius < cSecondaryRadiusMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 6);
returnFlag = false;
if (DCAtoPV > cSecondaryDCAtoPVMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 7);
returnFlag = false;
if (CPA < cSecondaryCosPAMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 8);
returnFlag = false;
if (PropTauK0s > cSecondaryProperLifetimeMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 9);
returnFlag = false;
if (fabs(mK0s - MassK0Short) > cSecondaryMassWindow) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 10);
returnFlag = false;
if (candidate.qtarm() < cSecondaryparamArmenterosCut * TMath::Abs(candidate.alpha())) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 11);
returnFlag = false;
if (cSecondaryRequire) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 0);
if (DauDCA > cSecondaryDauDCAMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 1);
returnFlag = false;
if (DauPosDCAtoPV < cSecondaryDauPosDCAtoPVMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 2);
returnFlag = false;
if (DauNegDCAtoPV < cSecondaryDauNegDCAtoPVMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 3);
returnFlag = false;
if (pT < cSecondaryPtMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 4);
returnFlag = false;
if (Rapidity > cSecondaryRapidityMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 5);
returnFlag = false;
if (Radius < cSecondaryRadiusMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 6);
returnFlag = false;
if (DCAtoPV > cSecondaryDCAtoPVMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 7);
returnFlag = false;
if (CPA < cSecondaryCosPAMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 8);
returnFlag = false;
if (PropTauK0s > cSecondaryProperLifetimeMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 9);
returnFlag = false;
if (candidate.qtarm() < cSecondaryparamArmenterosCut * TMath::Abs(candidate.alpha())) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 11);
returnFlag = false;
if (std::fabs(mK0s - MassK0Short) > cSecondaryMassWindow) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 10);
returnFlag = false;

return returnFlag;

} else {
if (std::fabs(mK0s - MassK0Short) > cSecondaryMassWindow) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 10);
returnFlag = false;

return returnFlag;
return returnFlag;

} else {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 0);
if (DauDCA > cSecondaryDauDCAMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 1);
return false;
if (DauPosDCAtoPV < cSecondaryDauPosDCAtoPVMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 2);
return false;
if (DauNegDCAtoPV < cSecondaryDauNegDCAtoPVMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 3);
return false;
if (pT < cSecondaryPtMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 4);
return false;
if (Rapidity > cSecondaryRapidityMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 5);
return false;
if (Radius < cSecondaryRadiusMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 6);
return false;
if (DCAtoPV > cSecondaryDCAtoPVMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 7);
return false;
if (CPA < cSecondaryCosPAMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 8);
return false;
if (PropTauK0s > cSecondaryProperLifetimeMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 9);
return false;
if (fabs(mK0s - MassK0Short) > cSecondaryMassWindow) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 10);
return false;
if (candidate.qtarm() < cSecondaryparamArmenterosCut * TMath::Abs(candidate.alpha())) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 11);
return false;
if (cSecondaryRequire) {

histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 0);
if (DauDCA > cSecondaryDauDCAMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 1);
return false;
if (DauPosDCAtoPV < cSecondaryDauPosDCAtoPVMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 2);
return false;
if (DauNegDCAtoPV < cSecondaryDauNegDCAtoPVMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 3);
return false;
if (pT < cSecondaryPtMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 4);
return false;
if (Rapidity > cSecondaryRapidityMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 5);
return false;
if (Radius < cSecondaryRadiusMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 6);
return false;
if (DCAtoPV > cSecondaryDCAtoPVMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 7);
return false;
if (CPA < cSecondaryCosPAMin) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 8);
return false;
if (PropTauK0s > cSecondaryProperLifetimeMax) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 9);
return false;
if (candidate.qtarm() < cSecondaryparamArmenterosCut * TMath::Abs(candidate.alpha())) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 11);
return false;
if (std::fabs(mK0s - MassK0Short) > cSecondaryMassWindow) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 10);
return false;
return true;

} else {
if (std::fabs(mK0s - MassK0Short) > cSecondaryMassWindow) {
histos.fill(HIST("QA/K0sCutCheck"), 10);
return false;
return true;
return true;

} // selectionK0s

double GetPhiInRange(double phi)
double result = phi;
while (result < 0) {
result = result + 2. * TMath::Pi() / 2;
result = result + 2. * o2::constants::math::PI / 2;
while (result > 2. * TMath::Pi() / 2) {
result = result - 2. * TMath::Pi() / 2;
while (result > 2. * o2::constants::math::PI / 2) {
result = result - 2. * o2::constants::math::PI / 2;
return result;

template <typename TrackTemplate, typename V0Template>
bool isTrueKstar(const TrackTemplate& bTrack, const V0Template& K0scand)
if (abs(bTrack.PDGCode()) != kPiPlus) // Are you pion?
if (std::abs(bTrack.PDGCode()) != kPiPlus) // Are you pion?
return false;
if (abs(K0scand.PDGCode()) != kPDGK0s) // Are you K0s?
if (std::abs(K0scand.PDGCode()) != kPDGK0s) // Are you K0s?
return false;

auto motherbTrack = bTrack.template mothers_as<aod::McParticles>();
auto motherkV0 = K0scand.template mothers_as<aod::McParticles>();

// Check bTrack first
if (abs(motherbTrack.pdgCode()) != kKstarPlus) // Are you charged Kstar's daughter?
if (std::abs(motherbTrack.pdgCode()) != kKstarPlus) // Are you charged Kstar's daughter?
return false; // Apply first since it's more restrictive

if (abs(motherkV0.pdgCode()) != 310) // Is it K0s?
if (std::abs(motherkV0.pdgCode()) != 310) // Is it K0s?
return false;
// Check if K0s's mother is K0 (311)
auto motherK0 = motherkV0.template mothers_as<aod::McParticles>();
if (abs(motherK0.pdgCode()) != 311)
if (std::abs(motherK0.pdgCode()) != 311)
return false;

// Check if K0's mother is Kstar (323)
auto motherKstar = motherK0.template mothers_as<aod::McParticles>();
if (abs(motherKstar.pdgCode()) != 323)
if (std::abs(motherKstar.pdgCode()) != 323)
return false;

// Check if bTrack and K0 have the same mother (global index)
Expand Down

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