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Maksym Zavalniuk edited this page Sep 7, 2023 · 1 revision

AIogram official documentation.

How to create filters?

  1. In the filters folder create the file and add your code:
from typing import Union

from aiogram.filters import BaseFilter
from aiogram.types import Message

class ChatTypeFilter(BaseFilter):
    def __init__(self, chat_type: Union[str, list]):
        self.chat_type = chat_type

    async def __call__(self, message: Message) -> bool:
        if isinstance(self.chat_type, str):
            return == self.chat_type
            return in self.chat_type
  1. Add filter to the router:
  1. Add filter to the handlers:
    ChatTypeFilter(chat_type=["group", "supergroup"]),

How to get the data from the filter?


from typing import Union, Dict, Any

from aiogram.filters import BaseFilter
from aiogram.types import Message

class HasUsernamesFilter(BaseFilter):
    async def __call__(self, message: Message) -> Union[bool, Dict[str, Any]]:
        entities = message.entities or []

        found_usernames = [
            item.extract_from(message.text) for item in entities
            if item.type == "mention"

        if len(found_usernames) > 0:
            return {"usernames": found_usernames}
        return False


from typing import List

from aiogram import Router, F
from aiogram.types import Message

from filters.find_usernames import HasUsernamesFilter

router = Router()

async def message_with_usernames(
        message: Message,
        usernames: List[str]
    await message.reply(
        f'Thanks! Here are usernames '
        f'{", ".join(usernames)}'

Magic filters

from aiogram import F

# Здесь F - это message
async def photo_msg(message: Message):
    await message.answer("This is image!")

Some examples:

router.message.filter({"group", "supergroup"}))

F.content_type.in_({'text', 'sticker', 'photo'}) or | F.text | F.sticker

from aiogram.types import Message, PhotoSize

async def forward_from_channel_handler(message: Message, largest_photo: PhotoSize) -> None:
    print(largest_photo.width, largest_photo.height)

from aiogram import F
from aiogram.types import Message, Chat

@router.message(F.forward_from_chat[F.type == "channel"].as_("channel"))
async def forwarded_from_channel(message: Message, channel: Chat):
    await message.answer(f"This channel's ID is {}")
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