Implement workers for external tasks in Camunda BPM in Java.
Alternative Versions: NodeJS, Akka / Scala
This tool provides a Java interface to external tasks exposed by the process engine.
Note: you need a special fork of the Camunda BPM Platform to be able to use this.
Example of a Java consumer
public class MyApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CamundaClient client = CamundaClient.create()
WorkerRegistration registration = client.registerWorker()
.worker(new Worker() {
public void doWork(TaskContext taskContext) {
// do the work
// if the work was successful, complete the task
// else if the work was un-successful, fail the task
taskContext.failed("some error message");
- Efficient Threading & Multipoll: single thread polling multiple topics at once delegating to a pool of worker threads
- Adaptive Polling with Exponential Backoff: poller dynamically adjusts to avaiable work and backs off in case no work is available.