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Importing GHCND data from Africa into OpenClimateData
Rasmus E. Benestad edited this page Sep 13, 2023
2 revisions
It is possible to use the esd-package to retrieve GHCND data and then save them in netCDF files that can be read by the app:
## An R-script that reads African station data from GHCND and stores the different parameters in
## different netCDF-files. The script is written with the goal of being robust and that it will
## not be tripped by bad data files.
## CORDEX FPS Southeast Africa
## @RasmusBenestad, The Norwegian Meteorological Institute 2021-10-12
## R-script to read GHCND data country-wise in case of interruption
AfricanCtrs <- c("Algeria", "Angola", "Benin", "Botswana","Burkina Faso","Burundi","Cabo Verde","Cameroon",
"Central African Republic","Chad","Comoros","Congo","Cote d'Ivoire","Djibouti","Egypt","Equatorial Guinea",
"Nigeria","Rwanda","Sao Tome and Principe","Senegal","Seychelles","Sierra Leone","Somalia","South Africa",
"South Sudan","Sudan", "Tanzania","Togo","Tunisia","Uganda","Zambia","Zimbabwe")
print('Fetch the GHCND metadata')
meta <- ghcnd.meta()
reread <- FALSE
if ( (reread) & (file.exists('ghnd.africa.tmp.rda'))) file.remove('ghnd.africa.tmp.rda')
tmpfile <- 'ghnd.africa.tmp.rda' ## Temporary file to keep the data read so far
if (file.exists(tmpfile)) load(tmpfile) else GHCND <- list()
print('Fetch the GHCND data')
for (cntr in AfricanCtrs[is.na(match(AfricanCtrs,names(GHCND)))]) {
m <- subset(meta,cntr=cntr)
y <- try(ghcnd.station(m,verbose=FALSE))
if (!inherits(y,'try-error')) {
GHCND[[cntr]] <- y
## All the data is now read - collect the data and save as netCDF
print('Organise the GHCND data')
rain <- NULL; t2m <- NULL; tmax <- NULL; tmin <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(GHCND)) {
if (!is.null(GHCND[[i]]$precip))
if (!is.null(rain)) rain <- combine.stations(rain,GHCND[[i]]$precip) else
rain <- GHCND[[i]]$precip
if (!is.null(GHCND[[i]]$t2m))
if (!is.null(t2m)) t2m <- combine.stations(t2m,GHCND[[i]]$t2m) else
t2m <- GHCND[[i]]$t2m
if (!is.null(GHCND[[i]]$tmax))
if (!is.null(tmax)) tmax <- combine.stations(tmax,GHCND[[i]]$tmax) else
tmax <- GHCND[[i]]$tmax
if (!is.null(GHCND[[i]]$tmin))
if (!is.null(tmin)) tmin <- combine.stations(tmin,GHCND[[i]]$tmin) else
tmin <- GHCND[[i]]$tmin
## Save the data as netCDF-file
rain <- subset(rain,it=c(1950,2020))
rain <- subset(rain,is=list(lon=c(-50,50),lat=c(-50,50)))
attr(rain,'variable') <- 'precip'
attr(rain,'longname') <- '24hr_precipitation'
t2m <- subset(t2m,it=c(1950,2020))
t2m <- subset(t2m,is=list(lon=c(-50,50),lat=c(-50,50)))
attr(t2m,'variable') <- 't2m'
attr(t2m,'longname') <- 'daily_mean_temperature'
tmax <- subset(tmax,it=c(1950,2020))
tmax <- subset(tmax,is=list(lon=c(-50,50),lat=c(-50,50)))
attr(tmax,'variable') <- 'tmax'
attr(tmax,'longname') <- 'daily_maximum_temperature'
tmin <- subset(tmin,it=c(1950,2020))
tmin <- subset(tmin,is=list(lon=c(-50,50),lat=c(-50,50)))
attr(tmin,'variable') <- 'tmin'
attr(tmin,'longname') <- 'daily_minimum_temperature'
Once the data is saved in netCDF files, you must copy them into the data folder of the app, e.g. (example made for Linux):
## Move the files to the app's data folder:
mv t2m.Africa-GHCND.nc tmax.Africa-GHCND.nc tmin.Africa-GHCND.nc ~/OpenClimateData/data/.
## Launch the app (need to find the right files within the app settings):