Elixir HTTP/Websockets client for Steem JSONRPC interface and official Steemit API.
- Add
to your list of dependencies inmix.exs
def deps do
{:steemex, ">= 0.0.0"}
Stemeex doesn't require any configuration. If no config is provided, Steemex will use http://api.steemit.com
condenser endpoint for all JSONRPC calls.
If you want to use another transport, public node or private node, set corresponding values for api
and api_url
. Possible api values are :steemit_api
, :jsonrpc_ws_api
, :jsonrpc_http_api
If you are using http or ws api, you need to set a steemd instance url, for example, a public node http://gtg.steem.house:8090
for jsonrpc_http_api.
config :steemex,
api: :jsonrpc_http_api,
api_url: "http://gtg.steem.house:8090",
activate_stage_sup: false
If want Steemex to stream incoming events in pseudo-realtime, set activate_stage_sup
to true
and see the example of a GenStage consumer.
Steemex module includes structs for all operations types. Streamer module parses each operation and converts it to a corresponding struct.
The main module function is Steemex.call
. It will block the calling process and return a success tuple with a "result" data from the JSONRPC call response. JSONRPC call ids are handled automatically.
All database api functions have docs, typespecs and example API responses.
Steemex uses GenStage, a new specification for handling and exchanging events among Elixir/Erlang processes.
On module app startup two GenStage processes are started and registered:
- Steemex.Stage.Blocks.Producer which, perhaps unsurprisingly, is a new blocks producer
- Steemex.Stage.RawOps produces raw blockchain operations
- Steemex.Stage.MungedOps produces parsed, cleaned and transformed operations
defmodule Steemex.Stage.ExampleConsumer do
use GenStage
alias Steemex.MungedOps
require Logger
def start_link(args, options \\ []) do
GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, args, options)
def init(state) do
Logger.info("Example consumer is initializing...")
{:consumer, state, subscribe_to: state[:subscribe_to]}
def handle_events(events, _from, state) do
for op <- events do
{:noreply, [], state}
def process_event(%{data: %MungedOps.Reblog{} = data, metadata: %{block_height: h, timestamp: t} = metadata}) do
Logger.info """
New reblog:
#{inspect data}
with metadata
#{inspect metadata}
def process_event(%{data: data, metadata: %{block_height: h, timestamp: t} = metadata}) do
Logger.info """
New operation:
#{inspect data}
with metadata
#{inspect metadata}
Steemex is under active development.
- Add more utility functions
- Add more types and structs
- Add transaction broadcasting