- Extract your AWS credentials:
- Generate a VMware Cloud token (with NSX Cloud admin & administrator rights)
- Create a file called phase1/terraform.tfvars, and insert the following:
aws_account_number = "" # Your AWS billing account number
sddc_a_connected_vpc_cidr = "" # The CIDR of the AWS VPC that will be created
vmc_refresh_token = "" # The VMC access token that you recently created (and gave NSX-T admin rights)
Org = "" # Your AWS organization name
sddc_a_name = "" # The name of the SDDC that will get deployed
vmc_org_id = "" # Your VMC organization ID
sddc_a_region = "" # The AWS region in which the VPC will be created
- Open a powershell console
- Paste the AWS credentials you coppied
- Navigate to the "phase1" directory
- Execute
terraform init
- Execute
terraform apply
In the following phase, diverse NSX-T rules will be created
- Create a file called phase2/terraform.tfvars, and insert the following:
workstation_public_ip = "" # Your workstation's public IP address (To provide access to vSphere)
- Navigate to the "SDDC-Deployment/phase2" directory
- Execute
terraform init
- Execute
terraform apply
And that is it! Your SDDC in VMware Cloud on AWS got deployed!