This project is a REST API for calculating the monthly commission of each seller according to the commission rule selected at the registration time.
SellGood REST API link. Only authenticated users can use all available functionality.
Python 3.7.3.
sudo apt-get install python3.7
Clone the project.
git clone
cd squad-8-ad-python-2/
Create a virtual environment and enable it.
python3.7 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install the necessary packages through pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Starting development server at
python runserver
Creating a superuser.
python createsuperuser
python test sellgood
Creates a plan.
POST /sellgood/plan/
Lists all plans sorted by name.
GET /sellgood/plan/
Lists plan details.
GET /sellgood/plan/{id}/
Updates plan data.
PUT /sellgood/plan/{id}/
Partially updates plan data.
PATCH /sellgood/plan/{id}/
Deletes a plan
DELETE /sellgood/plan/{id}/
Creates a seller.
POST /sellgood/seller/
Lists all sellers sorted by name.
GET /sellgood/seller/
Lists seller details.
GET /sellgood/seller/{id}/
Lists seller address.
GET sellgood/seller/{id}/address/
Lists seller sales.
GET sellgood/seller/{id}/sale/
Updates seller data.
PUT /sellgood/seller/{id}/
Partially updates seller data.
PATCH /sellgood/seller/{id}/
Deletes a seller
DELETE /sellgood/seller/{id}/
Creates a address.
POST /sellgood/address/
Lists all addresses sorted by name.
GET /sellgood/address/
Lists address details.
GET /sellgood/address/{id}/
Updates address data.
PUT /sellgood/address/{id}/
Partially updates address data.
PATCH /sellgood/address/{id}/
Deletes a address
DELETE /sellgood/address/{id}/
Creates a sale.
POST /sellgood/sale/
Lists all sales sorted by name.
GET /sellgood/sale/
Lists sale details.
GET /sellgood/sale/{id}/
Updates sale data.
PUT /sellgood/sale/{id}/
Partially updates sale data.
PATCH /sellgood/sale/{id}/
Deletes a sale
DELETE /sellgood/sale/{id}/
Lists all commissions sorted by name.
GET /sellgood/commission/
Lists commissions details.
GET /sellgood/commissions/{id}/
Lists all commissions in a specific year ranked by highest value.
GET /sellgood/commission/?date__year={year}
Lists all commissions in a specific month ranked by highest value.
GET /sellgood/commission/?date__month={month}
Lists all commissions in a specific year and month ranked by highest value.
GET /sellgood/commission/?date__year={year}&date__month={month}
In date input, the endpoint updates the day to the last day of the respective month. For instance, if the input date is "2019-07-15", the output date will be "2019-07-31". This endpoint accepts only one sale per month per seller.
This endpoint automaticlly calculates the commision and identifies if the seller should reiceve an e-mail notification based on the respective commision value.
For Sale PATCH method is required to include the date field.
Global variables starting with EMAIL_* in the file located in the telesales.settings package must be updated with the sender information and the seller's email must be an existing one to perform email notification.