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merlosy edited this page Nov 11, 2014 · 8 revisions

Laravel Restful API Starter Wiki

What is it about?

This starter is based on:

  • Laravel 4.2 : Use the power a lightweight trendy Framework

Choose your storage (original RDBMS or MongoDB), and still Eloquent for ORM:

  • SmartLoquent : conditional use of the original Eloquent, or Eloquent for MongoDB : (Laravel MongoDB) You can easily use MongoDB (NoSQL) as well as the basic SQL database managed by Laravel (MySQL, PGSQL, SQLite, SQL server). Everything is already configured!
  • Migrations:
    • For SQL databases, you can run pre-configured migrations
    • Seeder files (js) to set up MongoDB users

Send custom response messages:

  • ApiResponse (extends Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response) to quickly send json encoded response message, with adapted Http status codes, and even failed validation rules

Multi-device session:

  • Token : allow a user to login from multiple devices and track all his active sessions.

Social media login:

  • single config file: app/config/social.php
  • Facebook Authentication (sdk v4): Wrapper class to easily connect and retrieve info

Reset Password:

  • a simple and safe flow to reset a password with single-use short-lived token. No captcha, no personal question.

What does it do?

The starter allows a user to create an account, log in and log out, as well as accessing his personnal info. This can be a good place to start to build an API that communicates with mobile apps.

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