CLI tool for generating CD related templates like Dockerfiles
Usage: dfgen [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
A little tool to generate commonly used ci/cd templates like Dockerfiles.
-v, --verbose enable/disable verbose messages
-w, --write-to-file write generated template to file
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
create Create a dockerfile
Gener8 uses Python3, it will break in python2. Using a virtual environment is recommended.
pip install . --upgrade
Basic unittests can be run by:
Just running pylint will break on new python3 syntax, instead use:
python3 -m pylint <path>
or with reporting:
python3 -m pylint --reports=yes <path>
For pep8 compliance use:
pycodestyle --show-source --show-pep8
kubernetes template(s)
automated tests for dockerfile
security checks
auto detect dominant programming language in repository and generate useable dockerfile