This initiative is presented as a Final Project to Prof. Ronalyn S. Ariola in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Web Development course.
This project is a web-based e-commerce system designed to provide a student-friendly platform for students of Bicol University to browse and purchase all kinds of merchandise from various student organizations within the Bicol University College of Science. It allows users to choose products to buy effectively, add them to the cart, and track orders.
Users are able to secure login and registration of accounts for the website. They can access the Products page which shows their personal information such as:
- Profile picture
- Name
- Course
- Block
- Phone number
- Password
Provides easy access for customers to navigate through the main features of the system, including:
- Home page
- Product Catalog page
- FAQs page
- Cart
- Profile page
This menu is located at the upper part of the screen, improving user experience and usability by allowing quick transitions between pages.
Allows customers to view common questions and answers regarding SiyenSHOP and its purchasing processes.
Offers a user-friendly interface displaying a dynamic catalog of products being sold. Key product details include:
- Images
- Descriptions
- Pricing
- Reviews
Users can also choose product specifications (quantity and variant) before adding items to the cart or proceeding to checkout.
Customers can easily search for products using the search bar located at the top of the Home and Product Catalogue pages. Filters by:
- Organization type
- Category
This helps narrow down options based on specific criteria, making it easier to find products suited to their preferences.
Displays the items added to the cart, along with the subtotal price and a checkout button. Customers can:
- Update product specifications (quantity and variant)
- Remove items
This feature allows users to review and modify their order before proceeding to checkout.
Customers can complete their purchase on this page, which includes:
- Order summary
- Total amount
- Organization's name
- G-Cash number
Input fields are provided for uploading proof of payment (payment screenshot and reference number). An invoice will be sent to the user's email containing the order's receipt.
Users can view their order history on the My Purchases page and track the status of their purchases.
Business managers of the organization are able to:
- Add
- Edit
- Delete
These actions apply to the products displayed in the Product Catalogue.
Business managers can:
- View customer orders
- Change the status of orders
This feature enhances efficiency in managing the order fulfillment process and helps maintain customer satisfaction by keeping clients informed about order progress.
Provides a dashboard overview of sales for each organization.
Admins can create a shop linked to an organization.
Enables communication between:
- Customers
- Business managers
- Admins
This feature facilitates better customer service and operational coordination.
- PHP >= 8.0
- Composer
- Node.js & npm
- Git
git clone
cd SiyenShop
composer install
2.1 Install Doctrine DBAL: This package is often required for database migrations and schema management.
composer require doctrine/dbal
3. Install JavaScript Dependencies: Install the required JavaScript packages (Bootstrap, etc.) using npm
npm install
npm init -y
npm install laravel-mix --save-dev
let mix = require('laravel-mix');
mix.js('src/app.js', 'dist').setPublicPath('dist');
composer require livewire/livewire
cp .env.example .env
DB_DATABASE= siyenshopdb
8. Go to your xampp and create a database named "siyenshopdb", make sure your xampp server is running
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan serve
The application will be available at http://localhost:8000
Watch the Installation Videos
Follow the guide in this Laravel 8 Installation Video for detailed steps.
For more insights, you can also watch this Laravel Tutorial.
Contributions to this project are restricted to students enrolled in BSIT - 3B of Bicol University College of Science. If you are a member of this class and would like to contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
- Push your branch to your forked repository.
- Create a pull request to the main repository.
Contributions from outside the class are currently not being accepted. Thank you for your understanding.