Dinamicamente.org migration form Jekyll
06/10/2019 Now we have migrate our blog to Gridsome, see in action our multilanguage site: www.dinamicamente.org and github page: https://github.com/menteora/gridsome-blog
11/05/2019 Updated to nuxt 2.6.3 and vuetify 1.5.14
- Markdown content for pages and posts with Nuxt-Gustave
- Highlight code inside posts with Prismjs (need fo fix!)
- Post shareable with social with Vue Social Sharing
- Cookie Law Compliant with Vue Cookie Law
- Facebook Comments with standard sdk
AVN - (optional) Automatic Version Switching for Node.js
- Vuetify - Material Design ROCKS!
- Nuxt - Generate static Site!
- Ftp Deploy - Deploy static site over FTP
- Vue Moment - Parsing and filtering date faster
# install dependencies
$ npm install # Or yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
# generate static project and test locally with http-server module
$ npm run generate:dev
NOTE: Nuxtent was dismissed due incompatibility with new releases of Nuxt
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out the Nuxt.js and Vuetify.js documentation.