A tensor algebra compiler for ableC based on the paper The Tensor Algebra Compiler by Fredrik Kjolstad, et. al. More information about this can be found on their website http://tensor-compiler.org/, and the details and limitations of the code generation algorithm are described in their paper, available at http://tensor-compiler.org/publications.html. The algorithm used herein is very similar to theirs, with some differences discussed at the bottom of this document.
The first step in declaring and using tensors for this extension is to declare the necessary tensor formats. This is done with a declaration of the form:
tensor format name ({specifiers} [, {dimension order}]);
The dimension order part is optional. In this, name is the name you wish to give the tensor format, specifiers is a list of the storage specifiers for each dimension in the tensor, and dimension order is an optional integer list specifying the order in which the dimensions of the tensor should be stored. Note that if dimension order is used, the values in it must be integre constants, any other values will not be accepted.
The specifier list is a list of the keywords sparse
and dense
, signifying
whether a specific dimension is stored as a sparse or dense dimension.
For example, if we wish to declare a column major matrix with the rows stored densly, and columns stored sparesely, we would delcare the format as:
tensor format matrix ({dense, sparse}, {1, 0});
Next, we must create a new tensor. In order to do so, we have to declare the
format of the tensor that we are going to create. It is impossible to change
this, as the format becomes part of the tensor's type. In addition to declaring
the tensor, we wish to setup the tensor, and for this we will use a new
terminal. To create and initialize a tensor we have three options for
how to use build
tensor<fmt> name = build(tensor<fmt>)({dimensions});
tensor<fmt> name = build(tensor<fmt>)([tensor contents]);
tensor<fmt> name = build(tensor<fmt>)(dimensions array);
In all of these, you must provide the type of the tensor to the build
this type must match that of the variable you are assigning to, otherwise
type errors will occur. Then, we have three options, the first being a curly-bracketed
list of the desired dimensions, if we want a 10 x 6 matrix, for example, we would put
{10, 6}
. The second option is to provide the contents of the tensor in an organized
fashion. For example, a small 2x3 matrix with:
1 2 3
4 5 6
would be declared with [ [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6] ]
. Finally, a tensor can also
be declared using an array with the desired dimensions. Using the matrix format
defined above, as an example, we can declare the tensors A, B, and C,
as follows:
tensor<matrix> A = build(tensor<matrix>)({2, 4});
tensor<matrix> B = build(tensor<matrix>)([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]);
int dims[2] = {3, 4};
tensor<matrix> C = build(tensor<matrix>)(dims);
In general, you will want to use build
to initialize your tensors. If, for
some reason you don't want to immediately, assign your tensor the value {0}
to ensure the fields of the tensor are properly zeroed.
Accessing and assigning values to tensors is easy, and should be rather intuitive. It is done using the same syntax as array accesses, though the one difference is that only a single [ ] is ever used, and indices are separated by commas within this. For example, if mat is a matrix, we can access element (3, 5) by writing:
mat[3, 5]
To assign a value to a specific point in a tensor, we can just write an access with any assignment operator, such as:
mat[3, 5] += 2;
We can also use variables or expressions as the indices we wish to access, so we could write, for example:
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
printf("%f\n", mat[i, j]);
Despite not being malloc'd themselves, a variety of the components inside
of tensors are malloc'd, and so to prevent memory leaks, call freeTensor
on all tensors used in your program.
While sometimes we want variables to represent specific values when accessing a tensor, as in the above example, there are other times when we want a variable to represent a series of values, all the possible values that the index could take. For example, in math, writing
ai = bidoesn't mean that for some specific value of i, a and b are equal, it means that for all values of i, a and b are equal. In this case i is what we will call an index variable. To allow this differentiation between variables with a value, and index variables, index variables must be declared, and have their own type
. If we want, for example, to declare i, j, k as
index variables, we can write:
indexvar i, j, k;
anywhere in our code.
Tensor expressions are the algebra component of any tensor algebra system. Tensor expressions specify how to take one or more input tensors and convert their values into values in an output tensor. In writing tensor expressions, we write tensor index expressions, where we use index variables to describe how we access a tensor. Matrix multiplication is a simple tensor operation, common to linear algebra, and can be expressed as:
A[i, j] = B[i, k] * C[k, j];
in mathematics we would generally write this as: Ai,j = Bi,k * Ck,j.
Our system supports tensor expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. However, division is not guaranteed to function necessarily how traditional division would. If the divisor of any division would be 0, the system simply does not perform the division, leaving the value 0, instead of taking a value of infinity, or NaN. In addition to these arithmetic operators, tensor expressions may contain regular C expressions, such as in
a[i] = 4 * b[i];
There are a few other limitations to the tensor expressions supported
by this system. First, no index variable may appear only on the left-hand
side. A[i, j] = b[i];
is not valid, though a[i] = B[i, j];
In the later case, the columns of B will be summed together into a.
The other limitation has to do with access patterns, and is more compliated.
In short, code cannot be generated for a tensor expression that must access
a tensor against it's natural access order. For example, if both A and B
are matrices stored in row-major order, A[i,j] = B[j,i];
will not be
valid and a compiler error will be raised.
Our extension supports iterating over the values in a tensor with a new
loop. In this loop, a tensor to iterate over is given, and
accessed using a mix of index variables and expressions (expressions are
not required, it would be possible, though unecessary to not have any
index variables). Expressions provide limits, for example if i is an
index variable, mat[2, i]
would iterate over values in the third row
of the matrix. This construct iterates over the values found in the
regions (limited by the expressions given). For tensors with the last
dimension being sparse, this means the loop will only iterate over
non-zero elements. In other formats, the exact values iterated over
will vary. The loop guarantees to iterate over any non-zero values in
the valid regions, but may iterate over some zeroes as well, depending
on the tensor's format. The syntax for this, inspired by that in Java,
is show below:
foreach(double v : mat[2, i]) {
// do something, can include variables v and i
Inside the loop, the variable declared to receive the values (v above), has it's appropriate value, as well as any index variables used in the expression. So, if the value at mat[2, 2] = 1.0, inside the foreach there will be an interation with v = 1.0 and i = 2.
To support performance control, this extension extends the ableC Halide extension, granting the programmar control over how the loops are scheduled. The details of this can be found in their documentation. To use the tensor-halide feature, write the following
tensor transform {
// Any tensor expression
} by {
// Appropriate Halide scheduling
There are limitations to be aware of, however. Importantly, the Halide
transformation can only be used on tensor expressions involving just
dense tensors. The same restriction on index variables appearing only
on the left hand side applies, but the access pattern restriction can
be lifted, by using a new order loops
transformation. This can be used
in the following manner:
tensor transform {
// Any tensor expression (involving the index variables i, j, k)
} by {
order loops i, j, k;
// Other Halide Schedules
This transformation will force the system to generate loops with i as the outer loop, j as the middle loop, and k as the inner loop, regardless of the access order of the tensors. It should be noted, however, that this generally results in detrimental cache performance.
Out code generation system itself also supports some, rather limited,
parallel code generation using OpenMP pragmas. The limitations are
beyond the scope of this guide, but if you wish to enable parallelization
where possible, use the following two #define
directives before
including the tensors.xh header:
#define TACO_THREADS 8
The later define is optional, allowing you to specify how many threads to run. If not defined, OpenMP will determine this automatically.
The tensors.xh header file contains a few tools for working with tensors. Currently, it includes functions to read and write .mtx and .tns files. MTX files support matrix data, while TNS files support tensors of all dimensions.
- Make storage formats overloadable, allowing others to add further formats easily
- Implement sparse and dense functions over tensor accesses for tensor expressions