Applied Genome Analysis
Fall Semester 2022 (10/2022)
Term Project
UGA GACRC - Sapelo2
Summer Blanco ([email protected])
PhD Student, Department of Plant Biology
Leebens-Mack & Chang Labs
University of Georgia
This repository contains the scripts & results for analyzing Illumina shotgun sequencing data for Geranium maculatum. Leaf tissue was collected by Dr.Shu-Mei Chang (SMC). DNA was extracted using a Qiagen kit by Summer Blanco (SB) & SMC. Library preparation & sequencing was done by Novogene. Bioinformatics analyses were conducted by SB with guidance from Dr. Jim Leebens-Mack, Dr. Casey Bergman, and Jingxuan Chen.
- FastQC & MultiQC pre-trim
- Trimmomatic
- FastQC & MultiQC post-trim
- Jellyfish & GenomeScope
- GetOrganelle & NOVOPlasty
- SAMtools/BCFtools & IGV
- Meraculous
Contains 7 folders: k19, k21, k23, k25, k27, k29, k31
Each folder contains:
-plot.log.png (GenomeScope visualization)
-plot.png (GenomeScope visualization)
Contains 7 files:
Each file used with GenomeScope to generate kmer visualization.
-BANDAGEgraph.png (Bandage visualization from GetOrganelle)
-extended_K115.assembly_graph.fastg.extend-embplant_pt-embplant_mt.fastg (Assembly graph from GetOrganelle)
-Contigs_1_NovoTest.fasta (Contigs from NOVOPlasty)
-embplant_pt.K115.scaffolds.graph1.1.path_sequence.fasta (Scaffolds from GetOrganelle)
Mummer Plots
Contains 5 files:
MultiQC report contains summary for 2 raw read files.
Contains 5 files:
MultiQC report contains summary for 2 trimmed read files.
Contains 3 files: