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Demo of automatic provisioning and configuration of Cisco CSR 1000v

How to provision

I would recommend to use a blank container for the experiments. Switch to a folder where this project is clonned into and run something like:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/src -w /src \
        amazonlinux:2 /bin/bash

Just make sure you pass there correct values of the AWS access keys.

Generate SSH keys

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C <[email protected]> -f cisco_demo

Create terraform/terraform.tfvars file. Simply use this template:

ssh-public-key        = "ssh-rsa AA..."
router-ssh-public-key = "ssh-rsa AA..."
deploy_router         = false

ssh-public-key and router-ssh-public-key are public ssh keys to ssh to test instances deployed in every region and the key to ssh to the router. You can use the same key for both of the variables or different ones. If you decide to use different keys for the variables please make sure to use the right private later when you will provision a secret at AWS Secrets Manager.

deploy_router variable tells the system if the instance with the router should be provisioned. I would recommend to run it first without the router instance and next time switch the variable to true. The only reason to do so is to make sure all components of the configuration pipeline are there and ready to configure the new instances. As an alternative you can later run make reimage_router this command will trigger the reprovisioning of the router instance

Install make:

yum install make

Create a secret for the private ssh key to the router:

make create_secret

After that Open AWS Console ( and put there the private key generated earlier

Upload code to S3

make refresh_code

This command creates zip files with code for the lambda function and with ansible playbooks and upload them to an s3 bucket from where the files can be downloaded later by lambda provisioning and by the CodeBuild job

Deploy the project

make deploy

This command runs terraform against full body of manifests. Depending on values of the deploy_router variable mentioned above, this will command will or will not provision the router instance. It is highly recommended to run it first with deploy_router=false and only after that switch deploy_router=true.

The run may fail with this error:

Error launching source instance: OptInRequired: In order to use this AWS Marketplace product
you need to accept terms and subscribe. To do so please visit

Follow the link, accept the conditions and repeat the run. Don't forget to cancel the subscription when you are done. The subscription is free because this project uses a BYOL image of the Cisco CSR.

Destroy the infrastructure

When you are done with the experiments simply run:

cd terraform
terraform destroy

It will stop in the middle, will ask to type 'yes' and to press Enter.

Useful links to track progress - List all instances in the region with the Transit VPC - information about a Lambda that does filtering of the SNS messages about instances and triggers CodeBuild where a new Router instance is provisioned - CodeBuild project responsible for configuration of the router - list of all VPN Connections in the region. After the router is configured - wait a bit and you will see tunnels there will start switching from DOWN to UP, and it will show that there are some BGP routes propagated over the VPN connection


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