2nd Project - 3D Motion Planning
Detailed Project Explantion Page
Breafly, this function is used to create a configuration space given a map of the world and setting a particular altitude and safety distance for your drone and by using A* algorithm , finding the lowest cost path from start to goal which is used to generates waypoints and send them to simulator.The steps are explained below
- 1- Read Global Home , Global Position and Local Position
print('global home {0}, position {1}, local position {2}'.format(self.global_home, self.global_position,
- 2- Read "Collider.csv" file and obtaining obstacle in the map
data = np.loadtxt('colliders.csv', delimiter=',', dtype='Float64', skiprows=2)
- 3- Creat Grid with a particular altitude and safety margin around obstacles via Planning_utils.py
grid, north_offset, east_offset = create_grid(data, TARGET_ALTITUDE, SAFETY_DISTANCE)
* a-Find North_min , North_max , East_min and East_max
* b-Find Nort and East Size
* c-Creat a zero grid array by using Nort and East Size
* d-Find obstacles and insert into the grid array
* e-Return Grid , north_offset , east_offset
Configuration Space
- 4- Define Start and Goal Point
grid_start = (-north_offset, -east_offset)
grid_goal = (-north_offset + 10, -east_offset + 10)
5- Run A Star Search Algorithm to find path via Planning_utils.py
A* algoritm is used to search the free space for the lowest cost path between the start and the goal.
Function inputs are given below.path, path_cost = a_star(grid, heuristic, grid_start, grid_goal) where Grid ( Obtian from Step 3 ) , Heuristic ( heuristic function ) , Start ( grid_start ) , Goal ( grid_goal )
a - Define a path array , queue (set start point) , visited array ( set start point ) , branch , path cost
b - Check current_node.
- If current_node is equel to goal_node , stop search and go Step e
- If current_node is not equel to goal_node , continue to search
c - Find next_node and calculate new_cost
next_node = (current_node[0] + a.delta[0], current_node[1] + a.delta[1]) new_cost = current_cost + a.cost + heuristic_func(next_node, goal)
heuristic_func(next_node, goal_node) Determines the value for each node based on the goal_node by using the Euclidean method. np.linalg.norm(np.array(next_node) - np.array(goal_node))
d - Check next_node.
- If next_node is not visited,add visisted list, put queue and add into brach
- If next_node is visited , skip this node and go Step b
e - If a path found . Retrace the path from goal_node to start_node
g - Return Path from start_node to goal_node
f - If a path not found . Print (Failed to find a path!) .
6-Create Waypoint List
waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in path]
- 7- Send Waypoint List to Waypoint Array
self.waypoints = waypoints
- 8- Send Waypoint List to Simulator
- a - Read "collider.csv" file and assign a 'read_pos' string array --> --> [ lat0 37.792480, lon0 -122.397450 ]
- b - Remove ',' --> [ lat0 37.792480 lon0 -122.397450 ]
- c - Split String --> [ [lat0], [37.792480], [lon0], [-122.397450] ]
- d - Assign Lon & Lat Values to self.global_home[0] & self.global_home[1]
# read file
from itertools import islice
filename = 'colliders.csv'
with open(filename) as f:
for line in islice(f, 1):
read_pos = line
read_pos = read_pos.replace(",", "") # remove ','
read_pos = read_pos.split() # split string
self.global_home[0] = float(read_pos[3]) # lon
self.global_home[1] = float(read_pos[1]) # lat
self.global_home[2] = 0
current_local_position = []
current_local_position = global_to_local (self.global_position, self.global_home)
north_start = int(current_local_position[0])
easth_start = int(current_local_position[1])
grid_start = ( (north_start + -north_offset) , (easth_start + -east_offset) )
print ("Grid_Start:",grid_start)
goal_lon = -122.397745 # Desired Goal Position's Longtitude
goal_lat = 37.793837 # Desired Goal Position's Latitude
goal_pos_global = []
goal_pos_global = [ goal_lon , goal_lat , 0]
goal_pos_local = []
goal_pos_local = global_to_local (goal_pos_global,self.global_home)
north_goal = int(goal_pos_local[0])
easth_goal = int(goal_pos_local[1])
grid_goal = ( ( north_goal + -north_offset ) , (easth_goal + -east_offset) )
print ("Grid_Goal:",grid_goal)
Add Diagonal Motion Cost into Action class
NORTH_WEST = (-1, -1, np.sqrt(2))
NORTH_EAST = (-1, 1, np.sqrt(2))
SOUTH_WEST = (1, -1, np.sqrt(2))
SOUTH_EAST = (1, 1, np.sqrt(2))
Also Check Obstacle for Diagonal Motion
if (x - 1 < 0 or y - 1 < 0) or grid[x - 1, y - 1] == 1:
if (x - 1 < 0 or y + 1 > m) or grid[x - 1, y + 1] == 1:
if (x + 1 > n or y - 1 < 0) or grid[x + 1, y - 1] == 1:
if (x + 1 > n or y + 1 > m) or grid[x + 1, y + 1] == 1:
By the help of the Collinearty Check Method [Lecter_6], unnecessary waypoints in path is to eliminate. Breifly, three points p_1, p_2p,p_3 to be collinear, the determinant of the matrix that includes the coordinates of these three points as rows must be equal to zero in three dimension ( necessary but not sufficient) Detail. However in two dimension,z coordinate simply set to 1 and the determinant being equal to zero indicates that the area of the triangle is zero. It is a sufficient condition for collinearity.
In motion_planning_sol.py, prune_path() function is used to eliminate unnecessary waypoints
from planning_utils import prune_path
pruned_path = prune_path(path) # path prune
# Convert path to waypoints
waypoints = [[p[0] + north_offset, p[1] + east_offset, TARGET_ALTITUDE, 0] for p in pruned_path]
In planing_utils.py , the details of the prune_path() function is given below
- a - Obtain points p1 , p2 , p3
- b - Set z coordinate 1 by the help of the point(p) function
- c - Check collinearty of p1, p2, p3 by the help of the collinearity_check(p1, p2, p3) function
- If those points are collinear , remove from pruned_path
- If those point are not collinear , shift one point
- d - Return pruned_path
def prune_path(path):
pruned_path = [p for p in path]
i = 0
while i < len(pruned_path) - 2:
p1 = point(pruned_path[i])
p2 = point(pruned_path[i+1])
p3 = point(pruned_path[i+2])
if collinearity_check(p1, p2, p3):
i += 1
return pruned_path
point(p) -> function is used to set z coordinate to 1
def point(p):
return np.array([p[0], p[1], 1.]).reshape(1, -1)
collinearty_check (p1,p2,p3,epislon = 1e-2) -> function is used to check collinearty of three points.
def collinearity_check(p1, p2, p3, epsilon=1e-2):
By using numpy.concatenate function which is used to join two or more arrays of the same shape along a specified axis and numpy.linalg.det, obtaioned determinant of three points.
m = np.concatenate((p1, p2, p3), 0)
det = np.linalg.det(m)
return abs(det) < epsilon
Epsilon, which indicates how close to zero the determinant must be in order to consider the points to be collinear. This allows you to impose a criterion for accepting points that are almost collinear.
Compare the absolute value of the determinant with epsilon. If the absolute value of determinant is smaller than epsilon , collinearty is true.
return abs(det) < epsilon