Learn ES6 by mind-blowing ES6 code showcases.
- Fork this repository, checkout master branch
- Create [title].md in source/_posts, where title should match
. - Edit [title].md you just created following [Content Instructions](#Content Instructions).
- Send in PR
- All done! :)
We use Hexo to generate our website, therefore your markdown should conform to specific format.
author: [Your name]
author_email: [Your email]
author_github: [Your GitHub handle]
description: [Short description of this showcase]
[Embeded pen iframe]
Embeded pen iframe is provided by CodePen. Checkout CodePen Blog for how to get embeded iframe for your showcase.
Here is an example of CodePen embeded iframe.
<iframe height='154' scrolling='no' src='//codepen.io/tjwudi/embed/RPKqbq/?height=154&theme-id=15620&default-tab=js' frameborder='no' allowtransparency='true' allowfullscreen='true' style='width: 100%;'>See the Pen <a href='http://codepen.io/tjwudi/pen/RPKqbq/'>RPKqbq</a> by John Wu (<a href='http://codepen.io/tjwudi'>@tjwudi</a>) on <a href='http://codepen.io'>CodePen</a>.
Keep an eye on the height of the iframe. Adjust the height of the iframe in CodePen Embed Builder to fit the content.
Since ES6 implementation is still actively processing in various browsers, you may need to add shim or polyfill in your pen. Checkout this CodePen blog for how to add external scripts.
For ES6 Powerful Parts, we use Babel.js for running ES6 features.
Since CodePen does not support displaying console output, we provide a script for you to simulate console.log
Add http://es6.powerful.parts/js/pen.js
as an external script in your pen, then you can use _output(message)
to print message to the page.
Checkout this example pen.
Fork this CodePen which has all the things set up for you to create a showcase!