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Medusa Starter Contentful

This repo provides the skeleton to get you started with using Medusa and Contentful. Follow the steps below to get ready.

Medusa is released under the MIT license. PRs welcome! Discord Chat Follow @medusajs


This starter has prerequisites and most of these will usually already be installed on your computer. Please not the Contentful plugin requires Redis.

Setting up your store

  • Install the Medusa CLI
    npm install -g @medusajs/medusa
    yarn global add @medusajs/medusa
  • Create a new Medusa project
    medusa new medusa-contentful
    cd medusa-contentful

Setting up Contentful

  • Create a Contentful account
  • Create a Contentful Space
  • Get your Contentful Access Token (Settings > API Keys > Content Management Tokens > Generate Personal Token)
  • Update your environment variables in .env
    CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID=[your space id]
    CONTENTFUL_ACCESS_TOKEN=[your personal access token]
  • Set up webhook (optional)
  • Migrate & seed Contentful space
    yarn migrate:contentful
    yarn seed:contentful

Run your project

yarn seed
medusa develop

Your local Medusa server is now running on port 9000.

Everytime you create or update Products, Product Variants or Regions Contentful and Medusa data will be synced.

What's inside

This starter uses medusa-plugin-contentful to synchronize data between your Medusa store and your Contentful space.

In the /contentful-migrations directory you will find migration files to setup content types in Contentful. The content types can be used to build pages for your webiste and include:

  • Page: Represents a page on your website. Each page has a title and can take any number of "Content Modules". Content Modules can be either of the type Hero or Tile Section.
  • Hero: a component that can take a Title, CTA and a background image.
  • Tile: a component that can be added to a Tile Section and renders a Title, CTA and an Image.
  • Tile Section: a component that can hold a number of Tiles or Products. When used with a Product, the Tile Section will display the product thumbnail and it's title and will link to the product page.
  • Link: a component that can link to an external or internal path; or, alternatively, hold a reference to a Page or Product entry. If used with Page or Product, the link path will be infered from the referenced entry.
  • Navigation Item: an item to include in a Navigation Menu. Each navigation item has a title that can be displayed in a menu and a link that defines where the user will be navigated to when the item is clicked.
  • Product: represents a product as syncronized from Medusa. A product's variants will be copied over as well.
  • Product Variant: The variants of a product.
  • Region: Represents an available region in Medusa.

The the seed:contentful script will will use this content modules to add some test data for you to get started with. The test data includes:

  • A home page with a hero, some featured products and the tools used.
  • An about page with a hero that links to the Medusa website.
  • A product overview page that can be configured to show products in the store.

Note: After seeding your database and starting your server you will have to publish the copied products in Contentful and add them to "Featured Products" Tile Section.

Try it out

curl -X GET localhost:9000/store/products | python -m json.tool

After the seed script has run you will have the following things in you database:

  • a User with the email: [email protected] and password: supersecret
  • a Region called Default Region with the countries GB, DE, DK, SE, FR, ES, IT
  • a Shipping Option called Standard Shipping which costs 10 EUR
  • a Product called Medusa Shirt with 4 Product Variants that all cost 19.50 EUR
  • a Product called Medusa Waterbottle with 1 Product Variant that all costs 10.00 EUR

Visit for further guides.

Thank you!

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