Welcome to the GitHub account of the Division of Immunobiology at the Institute of Immunology (IFI) - Medical University of Vienna. This account is dedicated to publishing the source code of our scientific manuscripts. Each manuscript has its own repository containing all the relevant source code files, metadata and a comprehensive description.
Rica et al. (2024), HDAC1 controls the generation and maintenance of effector-like CD8+ T cells during chronic viral infection
Ramona Rica, Monika Waldherr, Marlene Schülein, Emi Miyakoda, Lisa Sandner, Valentina Stolz, Darina Waltenberger, Thomas Krausgruber, Christoph Bock, Nicole Boucheron, Wilfried Ellmeier, Shinya Sakaguchi
BioRxiv, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.02.28.580886
Scripts and metadata: 2024_Rica_HDAC1-CD8Tcells-chronicLCMV
Zhu et al. Manuscript - proteomics (not final title)
Ci Zhu, ...
Source files: 2024_Zhu_et_al_proteomics
Manuscript in preparation