a movie app by react native for me to learn and expand my knowledge in the technology.
used themoviedb service as a backend to this project check them out
clone the repo first
npm clone [email protected]:medomy/movie-apppreact-native.git
cd movie-apppreact-native
then start the app
npm i
npm start
- first we have a home screen that shows a profile data with some movies lists to show the most important data first.
- then we have a detailed screen for each movie you can navigate to by clicking on the movie card.
- then we can add the movie to to watch list which we can get to in the bottom tab bar
- show a list of favourite movies in the To-Watch screen
- search functionality provided in a seperate search screen with last 5 recent searches.
Client: React-Native, redux, Typescript , Axios , RTK
Server: themoviedb
- @react-navigation
- react-native-splash-screen
- axios
- @react-navigation/bottom-tabs
- @reduxjs/toolkit
design inspired from : dribble design
note that app is tested Android only