This project is an assignment for the BCOLN lecture at the University of Zurich.
- Set up local blockchain on port 7545
- Download the metamask extension for your browser
- Sync local blockchain to your metamask account through the seed phrases
- Make sure node.js and truffle are downloaded
- After navigating to the client subfolder in console:
- npm install
- npm start
- cd ..
- truffle migrate --reset --network develop
- Navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser
- Enjoy!
- bid(string memory _domain) public payable
- start auction if not existing
- bid on existing auction
- withdraw(string memory _domain) public
- get money back if auction not won
- claim (string memory _domain) public payable
- winner can register domain name in registry.
- This function only can be call from the owner of the domain.
- It will check if the one who is calling this function is the one register in the action as the highestBidder.
- configureDomain(string memory _domain, string memory ipv4, string memory ipv6) public payable
- set dns zone file configuration
- currently ipv4 and ipv6 addresses
- only callable by the domain owner
- getDomainInfo(string memory _domain) public view returns(string memory state, string memory ipv4, string memory ipv6, address owner)
- returns the information of the domain state, ips, owner of the domain , being "state" between these possible values {registered, inauction, toberegistered, free}
- getAuctionState(string memory _domain) public view returns (string memory domain, address higestBidder, uint256 highestBid, uint256 auctionEndTime, bool claimed, bool exists, bool accountHasReturns)
- returns the current state of an auction
The core functionality must be implemented and executed entirely within Smart Contracts (SC).
- Manage and resolve domain names
The SC must implement an economic aspect, e.g., a payment system, incentives, gambling, or any economy-related functionality.
- Auction system to aquire a domain
The user must interact with the DApp via a Graphical User Interface (GUI), for example, a Web-based one.
- Web interface to query names, display and register DNS entries
The group must deliver a self-contained report documenting the SC, its operation, and the source code.
- OK