An iOS simple app showing fixture dates and results written in Swift 5.
This iOS application is built with the following tech stack:
Native Swift
for building UI interface.
for handling Api calls.
- Get access to all match dates and times fo premier league.
- Retreive history of match results.
- Save your favorite match to special list so you can get to know the date later on by simple toggle.
- iOS 15.0+
- Xcode 14.0+
- CocoaPods 1.6.1
- SwiftLint
- Moya/Combine
Navigate to the project root via the terminal and run the following command:
pod install
to install all framework dependencies described in Podfile.
open Carefer.xcworkspace
open Xcode workspace for development.
All frameworks are pulled into the project via CocoaPods.
- SwiftLint is used for linting the project to streamline coding style.
- Moya is used for consuming Apis.