ClojureClr REPL inside Revit
This is my hobby project, don't expect Emacs Cider nREPL combo to work just now. nREPL for CLR is not even ported yet...
Im not there yet.
TODO: Make an installer that also moves all the clojure dependencies to the root dir of host application
Autodesk Revit 2016 Autodesk Navisworks 2017
TODO: Autodesk Revit 2017
Simple modless (does not block user user interface) console window . Runs REPL on a separate thread. Write code, Get results.
Basicly the same CLR Repl you get when you call
CMD> Clojure.Main.exe
All code is evaluated outside Revit Transaction.
Repl has sync provider, that takes a function with one argument as current Active Document and returns a promise.
(def p (. sync Run (fn [document] document )))
#object[core$promise$reify__22531__22535 0x1580df5 {:status :pending, :val nil}]
@p ;; will block your repl till your fn is executed, if your code breaks
#object[core$promise$reify__22531__22535 0x34f9981 {:status :ready, :val #object[Document 0x1d8e2c9 "Document (Untitled)"]}]
(deref p 1000 "still working") ; wait for 1s if no result, return message.
"still working"
will return a promise, once the fn was executed. promise will be delivered with the return value of your fn
In Revit, sync works based on Idling Event. In Navisworks, you dont need sync, but its there, runs on the same thread.
once your func is executed, promise is delivered and you can access the value. more on Clojure promises
Executing conurrent read's or especialy wrtites will crash your Revit Instance with AccessViolation Exception. Revit API is not ment for multithreaded access.
limitations: When defining paths, use the regular forward slash "/" as oposed to default backslash "" used in windows paths.
Future, I may want to steal Console UI from
Using the console provided, you can start Socket with a wrapper function
(start-server 5555)
This will start a Socket REPL on port 5555.
Download PuTTY here
localhost = localhost port = 5555 // or what ever you specified when you started the server Connection type -> RAW
Its also a good idea to turn on "Implicit CR in every LF", it makes (doc ) output look nice;
Only drawback, arrow keys don't work, so good luck deleting half your expression when fixing a typo.
!!! WARNING 1 !!! Socket REPL does not provide revit transaction context.
!!! WARNING 2 !!! Always Exit by typing
otherwise Revit will crash
Navisworks API is thread safe, so no extra precautions are needed, nock your self out with (thread) and pmap....
Its a thin layer around interop calls like
(. Document GetElement ) -> (get-element doc id)
Its in early alpha, so dont expect much
If youre that much of a geek that you want emacs... Here are the hoops to jump over.
Cider works with nRepl only. Clr version of that thing is on David Millers shelf.
- Fork it
- finish his work porting to Clr host,
- compile it
- upload to NUGET repo
- send me a link
- I'll buy you a beer
This is a much simpler package, that supports Socket REPL connection.
The secret sause here is PuTTY.exe and its best friend plink.exe put them in in your $PATH.
(setq inf-clojure-generic-cmd "\\plink -load your-repl-settings")
Open any clj filed
M + x : inf-clojure
Buffer starts, and you get
Enjoy, the only problem - sync context does not work here yet.
I need to write my own version of socket repl, to support it.
Revit Navisworks
Clojure main site
Clojure docs
Clojure Clr repo - if you feel the need to see under the skirt
Clojure Clr wiki
If you're looking at these, you're probably doing sth worty of adding the the wrapper.clj.
Clojure Interop basics
Advanced Interop
Learning clojure. If you dont know where to start.
TODO: add links to Clojure, Documentation, CLR Interop, repositories, ClojureTV talks.
When loading ClojureClr as a dependency in a dll it expect its files to be in the root of host executable, i.e path of Revit.exe
I've filed a bug in In the meanwhile to avoid TypeInitializationException in RT.ctor just copy the ClojureClr dlls next to Revit.exe
At the moment there is only one
Copyright © 2017 Martynas Drobulis Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 2.0