In this lab we are going to explore the C3 leaf-level photosynthesis model proposed by Farquhar et al. (1980) and use this to simulate photosynthesis at leaf, ecosystem and global scale
We are going to use this model to:
- learn how leaf-level photosynthesis responds to changes in the environmental forcing (photosynthetically active radiation, temperature and carbon dioxide).
- simulate GPP at the ecosystem-scale (~1 km^2) using FLUXNET (eddy covariance) meteorological data.
- simulate a global estimate of GPP.
- Farquhar GD, Von Caemmerer S and Berry JA (1980) A biochemical model of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in leaves of C3 species. Planta 149: 78–90
To run the practical:
- Download or clone the entire repository, either:
- Download the repository as a zip file, and uncompress it.
git clone
- Then open up the project file in the repository folder in RStudio.
- You will have to knit the Rmd file to generate the practical instructions. To do so, open the Rmd file and click the knit icon.