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Java API V 2.5 Nitro

dj-snyder edited this page Jun 3, 2015 · 1 revision
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Package nitf

Class Summary
BandInfo A representation of the image band information that is recorded in the NITF image subheader.
BandSource Represents a source of an image band
BlockingInfo A representation of the blocking information used in the library.
CloneableObject This class is a NITFObject that can be cloned.
ComponentInfo A representation of the component information found in the NITF File Header.
DESegment A representation of the NITF Data Extension Segment.
DestructibleObject Class representing a NITF object that has underlying memory that can be independently destructed.
DESubheader A representation of the NITF Data Extension subheader
DownSampler DownSampler

The abstract DownSampler class.

Extensions A representation of an extensions segment in the NITF specification.
Field A Field corresponds to the data and basic information regarding a NITF field.
FieldType FieldType This enumeration class provides the possible types for a Field
FieldWarning This class represents a Warning that is created by the NITF system while processing the data in some way.
FileHeader Represents the NITF file header In NITF, the file header is the first section of a file (before the image subheaders).
FileSecurity A representation of the NITF security information.
FileSource FileSource

The FileSource class extends the BandSource class, allowing you to provide data from an IOHandle.

GraphicSegment A representation of the NITF Graphic (Symobl) Segment
GraphicSubheader A representation of the NITF Graphic (Symobl) subheader
ImageReader Class that has the functionality of reading an image
ImageSegment A representation of the NITF Image Segment The image segment corresponds to each image plus its subheader which exists in the NITF file.
ImageSource Class used to compile an image together, based on its constituent bands.
ImageSubheader A representation of the NITF Image subheader The ImageSubheader component represents the NITF file image subheader from the NITF file.
ImageWriter The handle that gives access to writing images
IOHandle A representation of a handle to a file object.
LabelSegment A representation of the NITF Label segment
LabelSubheader A representation of the NITF Label subheader
LookupTable Represents a LookupTable used in the BandInfo object
MaxDownSampler MaxDownSampler

The maxDownSample selects the maximum pixel

The row and column skip factors divide the sub-window into non-overlaping sample windows.
MemoryIO Memory implementation of the IOInterface, from the Java side.
MemorySource MemorySource

The MemorySource class extends the BandSource class, allowing you to provide data from a memory buffer.

NITFObject The Base NITF Object

Every core NITF Object extends this class

NITFResourceManager This class provides the functionality to manage the underlying memory
PixelSkipDownSampler PixelSkipDownSampler

The pixelSkip down-sampler has a designated skip value in the row and column, and it skips data in between.

PluginRegistry PluginRegistry This class provides an entrypoint to loading plugins
Reader An object that reads and parses a NITF file
Record Represents a NITF record The Record object is a database-like record of the fields in a NITF file.
RESegment A representation of the NITF Reserved Extensions segment
RESubheader A representation of the NITF Reserved Extensions subheader
SegmentReader SegmentReader This class provides a "jailed" IOHandle to the data in a segment.
SegmentSource Represents a source of an image band
SegmentWriter The handle that gives access to writing segments
StreamIOWriteHandler A WriteHandler that just streams from an input IOInterface to an output one.
SubWindow An object that contains information for reading image data.
SumSq2BandDownSampler SumSq2BandDownSampler

Sum of square, two band, down-sample method

The maximum is calculated as the sum of the sum of squares of two bands.

TextSegment A representation of the NITF Text segment
TextSubheader A representation of the NITF Text subheader
TRE A representation of the NITF Tagged Record Extensions (TRE)
TRE.FieldPair A simple class that models a name/field pair
WriteHandler The WriteHandler class is essentially an interface for writing to an IOInterface, but is an abstract class because under the covers it sets up some native code that will facilitate the callback to your write method.
Writer Writes NITF files

Enum Summary
Version Enumeration class for the NITF version

Exception Summary
NITFException Represents an Exception that occurs in the underlying native NITF library

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