This app uses MonogoDB to store records, you will need a MongoBD account.
Add the following connection string to MONGO_DB_CONNECTION_STRING
in ~/.env.local
replacing the entities with your own details; "mongodb+srv://{username}:{password}@{your-cluster-url}/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
If you wish to run MonogDB in docker for a more streamlined development experince, please add the URI to your local MongoDB instance. This proved helpful for devlopment of the application so far.
Add the database name you would like to add records to under MONGO_DB_DATABASE
in ~/.env.local
to both ~/.env.local
and ~/next.config.json
to set the url to both the node environment and client environment respectivly.
Run npm npm i
at the root level of your app.
npm run dev
: starts local instance of the applicationnpm run test
: runs all the tests suits
The form for entering urls currently just uses browser validation future enhancemnts could involve;
- none empty submissions
- checks to see if entered URL is already encrypted
- enhanced regex matcher
I have choosen not to process any laoding states in this application for simplicity but could impliment the following loading handling;
- disbale the 'generate' button while post request id running to avoid any issue with stacking requests.
- get exisiting URLs needs no laoding state as it is server side fetched
The CSS on the page is not perfect, this could do with some impromvemnt.
For timeboxing sake I have written a reduced unit test suite but in futire more unit test could be written. Coverage currently is not great.
Unfortunatley this was not easily possible inside NextJS middleware. Modules supported in middlewear can only contain ES modules and not use any native Node.js APIs. The MongoDB module unfortunalty leverages such prohibited APIs.