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dev: add docker mode
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mcraveiro committed Jun 26, 2024
1 parent 23b25ec commit 35db086
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Showing 3 changed files with 39 additions and 4 deletions.
17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions config/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -877,15 +877,23 @@ again, I haven't see that as a problem."
(use-package terraform-mode)

* Dockerfile
* Docker
:ID: 2228868C-C213-DB24-A263-7C382136FC1F

| =dockerfile= | |
| =docker= | |

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package dockerfile-mode)

(use-package docker
:ensure t
:bind ("C-c d" . docker))

* Doxymacs
:ID: 9778C07A-37CD-7D04-14FB-9124E67DDBF1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1049,7 +1057,12 @@ TODO: for some reason we do not trigger the mode with =/**=, it seems to require
("phi3" . (make-llm-ollama
:chat-model "phi3" :embedding-model "phi3"))
("codellama" . (make-llm-ollama
:chat-model "codellama:7b" :embedding-model "codellama:7b"))))
:chat-model "codellama:7b" :embedding-model "codellama:7b"))
("codestral" . (make-llm-ollama
:chat-model "codestral:latest" :embedding-model "codestral:latest"))
("codeqwen" . (make-llm-ollama
:chat-model "codeqwen:latest" :embedding-model "codeqwen:latest"))

Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions custom.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,13 @@
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(bmkp-last-as-first-bookmark-file "/home/marco/.emacs.d/bookmarks")
'("~/Development/ql/OreStudio/doc/agile/v0/" "/home/marco/Development/emacs/trx-mode/Doc/Timekeeping/"))
'(spinner ellama iedit paimon haproxy-mode eldoc-box embark-consult embark flyspell-correct consult-flyspell csv-mode ztree yasnippet-snippets yaml-mode windswap vscode-icon volatile-highlights vertico verb undo-tree terraform-mode super-save ssh sql-clickhouse smartparens smart-hungry-delete sharper rg rainbow-mode rainbow-delimiters protobuf-mode project-shells prodigy powershell pfuture persp-mode persistent-scratch org-roam-ui org-present org-fancy-priorities orderless mustache-mode mustache mastodon marginalia magit logview llama-cpp jump-tree json-mode jq-mode jq-format inf-mongo inf-clojure imenu-list ibuffer-sidebar ibuffer-projectile hl-todo hide-mode-line helpful google-this git-timemachine git-modes git-messenger git-gutter-fringe flycheck-plantuml flycheck-eglot eyebrowse expand-region evil eshell-git-prompt engine-mode drag-stuff doom-themes doom-modeline dockerfile-mode dired-sidebar dimmer diminish diff-at-point define-word dashboard csproj-mode crux consult-yasnippet consult-flycheck consult-eglot consult-dir company-posframe company-box color-identifiers-mode cmake-mode citeproc-org chatgpt-shell cfrs browse-kill-ring bongo bm beacon backup-walker anzu all-the-icons-nerd-fonts all-the-icons-ibuffer all-the-icons-dired all-the-icons-completion aggressive-indent ace-window))
'(docker ztree yasnippet-snippets yaml-mode windswap vscode-icon volatile-highlights vertico verb undo-tree treemacs-tab-bar treemacs-projectile treemacs-persp treemacs-magit treemacs-icons-dired terraform-mode super-save ssh sql-clickhouse smartparens smart-hungry-delete sharper rg rainbow-mode rainbow-delimiters protobuf-mode project-shells prodigy powershell persistent-scratch pcmpl-args paimon org-roam-ui org-present org-fancy-priorities orderless nerd-icons-corfu mustache-mode mustache msgu mastodon markdown-mode marginalia logview llama-cpp jump-tree json-mode jq-mode jq-format inf-mongo inf-clojure imenu-list iedit ibuffer-vc ibuffer-sidebar ibuffer-projectile ibuffer-project ibuffer-git hl-todo hide-mode-line helpful haproxy-mode google-this git-timemachine git-modes git-messenger git-gutter-fringe flyspell-correct flycheck-plantuml flycheck-eglot eyebrowse expand-region evil eshell-git-prompt engine-mode embark-consult ellama eldoc-box drag-stuff doom-themes doom-modeline dockerfile-mode dired-sidebar dimmer diminish diff-at-point define-word dashboard csv-mode csproj-mode crux corfu consult-yasnippet consult-flyspell consult-flycheck consult-eglot consult-dir company-posframe company-box color-identifiers-mode cmake-mode citeproc-org chatgpt-shell cape browse-kill-ring bongo bm beacon backup-walker anzu all-the-icons-nerd-fonts all-the-icons-ibuffer all-the-icons-dired all-the-icons-completion aggressive-indent))
'((org-roam-directory . "/work/DomainDrivenConsulting/masd/dogen/integration")
'((cmake-tab-width . 4)
(org-roam-directory . "/work/DomainDrivenConsulting/masd/dogen/integration")
(projectile-project-compilation-cmd . "cmake --build --preset linux-clang-release")
(projectile-project-test-cmd . "cmake --build --preset linux-clang-release --target rat")
(projectile-project-run-cmd . "cmake --build --preset linux-clang-release --target gao")
Expand Down
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions init.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,3 +162,22 @@ ORG-FILE-NAME file to operate on."
;; Collect garbage when all else is done
;;; init.el ends here
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(docker ztree yasnippet-snippets yaml-mode windswap vscode-icon volatile-highlights vertico verb undo-tree treemacs-tab-bar treemacs-projectile treemacs-persp treemacs-magit treemacs-icons-dired terraform-mode super-save ssh sql-clickhouse smartparens smart-hungry-delete sharper rg rainbow-mode rainbow-delimiters protobuf-mode project-shells prodigy powershell persistent-scratch pcmpl-args paimon org-roam-ui org-present org-fancy-priorities orderless nerd-icons-corfu mustache-mode mustache msgu mastodon markdown-mode marginalia logview llama-cpp jump-tree json-mode jq-mode jq-format inf-mongo inf-clojure imenu-list iedit ibuffer-vc ibuffer-sidebar ibuffer-projectile ibuffer-project ibuffer-git hl-todo hide-mode-line helpful haproxy-mode google-this git-timemachine git-modes git-messenger git-gutter-fringe flyspell-correct flycheck-plantuml flycheck-eglot eyebrowse expand-region evil eshell-git-prompt engine-mode embark-consult ellama eldoc-box drag-stuff doom-themes doom-modeline dockerfile-mode dired-sidebar dimmer diminish diff-at-point define-word dashboard csv-mode csproj-mode crux corfu consult-yasnippet consult-flyspell consult-flycheck consult-eglot consult-dir company-posframe company-box color-identifiers-mode cmake-mode citeproc-org chatgpt-shell cape browse-kill-ring bongo bm beacon backup-walker anzu all-the-icons-nerd-fonts all-the-icons-ibuffer all-the-icons-dired all-the-icons-completion aggressive-indent))
'((eval setq-local org-roam-db-location
(expand-file-name ".org-roam.db" org-roam-directory))
(eval setq-local org-roam-directory
(locate-dominating-file default-directory ".dir-locals.el"))))))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.

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