The provided Ansible Playbook Bundle (APB) automates preparing an OpenShift cluster by deploying required services (lab instructions, Gogs, Nexus, etc).
NOTE: This source code in this repo are used to build the following APB container images in
$ oc import-image cloud-native-workshop-apb \ \
--confirm -n openshift
First update the com.redhat.apb.spec
LABEL from the Dockerfile file with a base64 encoded version of apb.yml
$ git clone<your username>/cloud-native-workshop-apb.git
$ cd cloud-native-workshop-apb
$ sed -i '.bak' "s/LABEL \"com.redhat.apb.spec\"=.*/LABEL \"com.redhat.apb.spec\"=\"$(cat apb.yml | base64)\"/g" Dockerfile
$ git commit
$ git push
# Dockerfile
FROM ansibleplaybookbundle/apb-base
LABEL "com.redhat.apb.spec"="dmVyc2lvbjogMS4wCm5hbWU6IG15LXRlc3Qt..."
COPY playbooks /opt/apb/project
ADD requirements.yml /opt/apb/project/requirements.yml
RUN ansible-galaxy install -r /opt/apb/project/requirements.yml -f
RUN chmod -R g=u /opt/{ansible,apb}
USER apb
$ oc new-build<your username>/cloud-native-workshop-apb \
--name=cloud-native-workshop-apb \
-n openshift
Visiting the OpenShift console UI will now display the new Ansible Playbook Bundle named "Cloud-Native Development Installer" in the catalog under the All tab and Other tab.
Or if you have Ansible installed locally, you can also run the Ansilbe playbooks directly on your machine:
oc login
oc new-project lab-infra
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -f
ansible-playbook -vvv playbooks/provision.yml \
-e namespace=$(oc project -q) \
-e openshift_token=$(oc whoami -t) \
-e openshift_master_url=$(oc whoami --show-server) \
-e openshift_user_password=openshift \
-e git_repository_lab_path=mcouliba/cloud-native-labs \
-e git_repository_lab_reference=ocp-3.11 \
-e git_repository_guide_path=mcouliba/cloud-native-guides \
-e git_repository_guide_reference=ocp-3.11 \
-e guide_name=codeready \
-e gogs_dev_user=developer \
-e gogs_pwd=openshift \
-e infrasvcs_adm_user=adminuser \
-e infrasvcs_adm_pwd=adminpwd \
-e user_count=50 \
-e precreate_codeready_users=false \
-e openshift_service_mesh_installation=false \
-e preconfigure_service_mesh_projects=false