EDEN v3 is an attempt to reproduce the EDEN interpolation, currently written in ArcPy for use with ESRI's ArcGIS 9, in the R environment.
- eden_v3: Contains a function for running the EDEN water surface interpolation for one day
- ever4cast_sims: Uses eden_v3.R to create surfaces for the Ever4Cast project
- ever4cast_sims_testcode: Used only when developing scripts
- gage_subarea_ID: Creates an ID file that matches each EDEN gage to a subarea used for the interpolation. Created ./Output/gage_subareaID_6June2018.csv"
- gauge_prep: Older script for creating a different type of EDEN gauge ID file. Produced ./Output/gauge_name_EArea.id.csv, which is used in gage_subarea_ID.R
- historical_mean_sd: Creates a raster of the mean adnd standard deviation of the historical EDEN v3 dataset. Used for validation.
- historical_surfaces: Runs eden_v3.R over the time period Jan 1 2007 - Sept 30 2017 and produces both raster and csv output. Used for validation.
- historical_validation: Finds the differences between EDEN v3 and EDEN v2 for a set historical preiod. Used for validation.
- validation: Validation of EDEN surface using benchmarks (field measurements)
- validation2: Validation of EDEN surface using 2nd set of benchmarks (field measurements)
- werp_depth: Find depth using the new DEM from WERP
- netCDF_IO_v3.1: Leonard Pearlstine's (NPS) package for reading & writing netCDF
- gage_subareaID_6June2018: Created by ./Scripts/gage_subarea_ID.R. Used in eden_v3.R to assign each gage to an interpolation subarea
- gauge_name_EArea_id: Created by ./Scripts.gauge_prep.R. Formerly used to assign each gage to an interpolation subarea. Now used to create the new subareaID csv.
- Shapefiles of the subareas where the independent interpolations are run.