Application for efficiently computing non-covalent contact networks in molecular structures and MD simulations. Following example computes all salt bridges, pi cation, aromatic, and hydrogen bond interactions in a trajectory: --topology my_top.psf \
--trajectory my_traj.dcd \
--itypes sb pc ps ts hb \
--output my_contacts.tsv
The output, my_contacts.tsv
, is a tab-separated file where each line (except the first two) records frame, type, and atoms involved in an interaction:
# total_frames:20000 interaction_types:sb,pc,ps,ts,hb
# Columns: frame, interaction_type, atom_1, atom_2[, atom_3[, atom_4]]
0 sb C:GLU:21:OE2 C:ARG:86:NH2
0 ps C:TYR:36:CG C:TRP:108:CG
0 ts A:TYR:36:CG A:TRP:108:CG
0 hbss A:GLN:53:NE2 A:GLN:69:OE1
1 hbss A:GLU:60:OE2 A:SER:56:OG
1 hbbb C:LEU:87:N C:LEU:83:O
1 hbbb C:ARG:88:N C:LEU:87:N
2 hbsb A:LYS:28:N A:HIS:27:ND1
2 hbsb A:ASP:52:OD2 A:PHE:48:O
2 wb2 C:ASN:110:O B:ARG:73:NH1 W:TIP3:1524:OH2 W:TIP3:506:OH2
2 wb2 C:ASN:110:O C:SER:111:OG W:TIP3:1524:OH2 W:TIP3:2626:OH2
3 wb A:ASP:100:OD1 A:ILE:67:O W:TIP3:6762:OH2
3 wb A:ASP:100:OD1 B:ASN:105:ND2 W:TIP3:9239:OH2
4 sb A:GLU:47:OE2 A:LYS:33:NZ
4 pc A:LYS:9:NZ A:TYR:21:CG
4 hbbb A:ILE:12:N A:THR:20:O
5 vdw A:LYS:164:CG A:THR:161:OG1
5 vdw A:LYS:164:CD A:THR:161:OG1
6 vdw A:ALA:156:O A:PHE:159:C
6 hbls A:EJ4:1219:OAD A:TYR:129:OH
6 hbls A:ASP:128:OD2 A:EJ4:1219:OAQ
7 hblb C:LEU:87:N A:EJ4:1219:OAQ
7 lwb A:EJ4:1219:NAN A:LYS:214:NZ A:HOH:1316:O
7 lwb2 A:EJ4:1219:NAN A:LYS:214:NZ A:HOH:1316:O A:HOH:1315:O
7 lwb2 A:EJ4:1219:NAN A:TYR:129:OH A:HOH:1316:O A:HOH:1311:O
Interactions that involve more than two atoms (i.e. water bridges and extended water bridges) have extra columns to denote the identities of the water molecules. For simplicity, all stacking and pi-cation interactions involving an aromatic ring will be denoted by the CG atom.
Interaction types are denoted by the following abbreviations:
- sb - salt bridges
- pc - pi-cation
- ps - pi-stacking
- ts - T-stacking
- vdw - van der Waals
- hb - Hydrogen bond subtypes
- hbbb - Backbone-backbone hydrogen bonds
- hbsb - Backbone-sidechain hydrogen bonds
- hbss - Sidechain-sidechain hydrogen bonds
- wb - Water-mediated hydrogen bond
- wb2 - Extended water-mediated hydrogen bond
- hblb - Ligand-backbone hydrogen bonds
- hbls - Ligand-sidechain hydrogen bonds
- lwb - Ligand water-mediated hydrogen bond
- lwb2 - Ligand extended water-mediated hydrogen bond
Generated contact-list files are useful as inputs to visualization and analysis tools that operate on interaction-networks:
- Flareplot - Framework for analyzing interaction networks based on circular diagrams
- MDCompare - Heatmap fingerprints revealing groups of similar interactions in multiple MD trajectories
- TICC - Changepoint detection algorithm to identifying significant events in the dynamic contact network
- NetworkAnalysis - Compute residue contact frequencies in a simulation, analyze contact network graphs, visualize in PyMol
GetContacts has the following dependencies
- vmd-python
- netcdf >= 4.3
- tk = 8.5
- numpy scipy expat matplotlib scikit-learn pytest pandas seaborn cython
- futures (if using python 2.7)
The easiest way to install netcdf is using a package manager. On a Mac, use the homebrew package manager and run:
brew install netcdf
To install vmd-python on LINUX, use the anaconda platform:
conda install -c vmd-python
To install vmd-python on MAC (or LINUX systems without conda
), you'll need to compile and install from source:
git clone
cd vmd-python
python build
python install
cd ..
python -c "import vmd" # Should not throw error
The remaining dependencies can be installed using either pip
or conda
, e.g.
conda install tk=8.5 numpy scipy expat matplotlib scikit-learn pytest pandas seaborn cython
conda install futures # Only do this if using python2.7
To install GetContacts locally, first set up dependencies (see above) and then run:
git clone
# Add folder to PATH
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:`pwd`/getcontacts" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
To test the installation, run:
cd getcontacts/example --topology 5xnd_topology.pdb \
--trajectory 5xnd_trajectory.dcd \
--itypes hb \
--output 5xnd_hbonds.tsv
and verify that no error was thrown and that the 5xnd_hbonds.tsv
file contains 1874 lines of interactions.
GetContacts is compatible with all topology and reimaged trajectory file formats readable by VMD.
Required Arguments:
--topology STRING
Path to topology
--trajectory STRING
Path to simulation trajectory fragment
--output STRING
Path to output file
--itypes STRING [STRING ...]
Specifies interaction types (see above)
all, sb, pc, ps, ts, vdw, hb
Optional Arguments:
--cores INT
Number of CPU cores for parallelization [default = 6]
--ligand STRING [STRING ...]
Resname of ligand molecule(s) [default = ""]
--sele STRING
VMD selection query to compute contacts in specified region of protein
[default = "protein"]
--sele2 STRING
Second VMD selection query to compute contacts between two regions of the protein
[default = None]
--solv STRING
Solvent identifier in simulation [default = "TIP3"]
Arguments for adjusting geometric criteria:
--sb_cutoff_dist FLOAT
Cutoff for distance between anion and cation atoms [default = 4.0 Angstroms]
--pc_cutoff_dist FLOAT
Cutoff for distance between cation and centroid of aromatic ring [default = 6.0 Angstroms]
--pc_cutoff_ang FLOAT
Cutoff for angle between normal vector projecting from aromatic plane and vector from
aromatic center to cation atom [default = 60 degrees]
--ps_cutoff_dist FLOAT
Cutoff for distance between centroids of two aromatic rings [default = 7.0 Angstroms]
--ps_cutoff_ang FLOAT
Cutoff for angle between the normal vectors projecting from each aromatic plane
[default = 30 degrees]
--ps_psi_ang FLOAT
Cutoff for angle between normal vector projecting from aromatic plane 1 and vector between
the two aromatic centroids [default = 45 degrees]
--ts_cutoff_dist FLOAT
Cutoff for distance between centroids of two aromatic rings [default = 5.0 Angstroms]
--ts_cutoff_ang FLOAT
Cutoff for angle between the normal vectors projecting from each aromatic plane minus 90
degrees [default = 30 degrees]
--ts_psi_ang FLOAT
Cutoff for angle between normal vector projecting from aromatic plane 1 and vector between
the two aromatic centroids [default = 45 degrees]
--hbond_cutoff_dist FLOAT
Cutoff for distance between donor and acceptor atoms [default = 3.5 Angstroms]
--hbond_cutoff_ang FLOAT
Cutoff for angle between donor hydrogen acceptor [default = 70 degrees in simulation, 180 in structures]
--hbond_res_diff INT
Minimum residue distance for which to consider computing hbond interactions
[default = 0 in simulations 1 in structures]
--vdw_epsilon FLOAT
Amount of padding for calculating vanderwaals contacts [default = 0.5 Angstroms]
--vdw_res_diff INT
Minimum residue distance for which to consider computing vdw interactions [default = 2]
Compute all pi-cation, pi-stacking, and van der Waals contacts throughout an entire simulation: --topology TOP.psf \
--trajectory TRAJ.dcd \
--output output_pc_ps_vdw.tsv \
--itypes pc ps vdw
Compute salt bridges and hydrogen bonds for residues 100 to 160, including those that involves a ligand: --topology TOP.pdb \
--trajectory \
--output loop-ligand_sb_hb.tsv \
--cores 12 \
--solv IP3 \
--sele "chain A and resid 100 to 160" \
--ligand EJ4 \
--itypes sb hb
Compute all interactions formed at a protein-protein interface throughout simulation: --topology TOP.pdb \
--trajectory \
--output protein_interface_all.tsv \
--cores 12 \
--sele "chain A" \
--sele2 "chain B" \
--itypes all
Locate salt bridges and hydrogen bonds using a modified distance cutoffs: --topology TOP.mae \
--trajectory TRAJ.dcd \
--output output_sb_hb.tsv \
--sb_cutoff_dist 5.0 \
--hbond_cutoff_dist 4.5 \
--itypes sb hb
For further examples, see the GetContacts main page.
Unit tests are located in unittests
subfolders and use the python unittest
module. To run just the unit-tests, type
python -m unittest
Integration tests verifying the functionality of executables are in the tests
-folder. To run all tests make sure pytest is installed (e.g. pip install pytest
) and run the following from the root:
Pull-requests won't be accepted before all tests pass, but if there are any problems we are happy to help work them out.
The code aims to be PEP 8 compliant, but pull-requests wont be rejected if they're not.
When using GetContacts for publication, please cite: